Support for Wales Young Farmers vital, Union President tells Welsh Labour party conference

Farmers’ Union of Wales President Glyn Roberts has stressed the importance of the Wales YFC at the virtual Welsh Labour Party Spring Conference. Addressing a fringe meeting on Friday, February 26, with Jeremy Miles, the Union President stressed that whilst financial support for the Urdd was welcome, the Young Farmers clubs in Wales must not be left out. 

Speaking after the event, he said: “Whilst we welcome and appreciate the funding made available for the Urdd as part of the Welsh Government ‘recover and rebuild’ strategy, our young farmers clubs across Wales must not be left out. Indeed they deserve to be recognised for their efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic in keeping spirits high among their members through all the virtual events and meetings they have held.”

The FUW has previously voiced its disappointment at funding cuts made by councils in Wales to Young Farmer Clubs and Mr Roberts was clear that the Wales YFC must not be left behind as the country rebuilds itself after Covid.

The service the YFC movement provides is invaluable. The work they do in helping and supporting young people to become successful farmers, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens, can’t be praised enough. 

“I therefore took the opportunity today to remind the Labour Party that this crucial institution must not be left behind as we try to rebuild from what has been a very challenging time for us all.”