Importance of protecting your livestock with insurance highlighted at FUW webinar

The importance of protecting livestock assets on farms with the right insurance policy was highlighted at a recent livestock worrying webinar, hosted by the Farmers’ Union of Wales and Wales YFC.

FUW Insurance Services Account Executive Gwenno Davies told delegates that a minor addition to existing sheep cover could cost as little as £3 a year and cover the financial burden of losses incurred due to a livestock attack. 

“Whilst an insurance policy for such incidents doesn’t take away the heartache of the incident or the stress of dealing with the situation, knowing that it won’t negatively impact you financially can be a relief. All farm businesses are different so a client would need to check their insurance policy specifically. But to add the extra cover for such a low cost, should be considered especially for that piece of mind,” said Gwenno Davies. 

Explaining the process, Gwenno Davies said that to make a claim, customers would need a completed claim form, provide a vet letter confirming the injuries sustained in line with incident details, and a valuation from someone like an auctioneer. 

“I would always recommend taking photographs and video evidence as well. If you do know the owner of the dog and have proof, you can also claim against them on their house contents insurance, instead of taking the loss on your own policy,” she said. 

With livestock attacks on the rise across the country and work to see a change in The Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953 on-going, delegates also heard how the North Wales Rural Crime Team are using technology to fight rural crime and gather evidence of livestock attacks.  

10 farms in Dyfed-Powys and eight in North Wales have now been fitted with wildlife cameras, with footage from the cameras soon to be broadcast live online, allowing people to see the protection they are providing. 

“Having evidence to support your claim is always good. If you can install such technology on your farm it will help with your claim and police investigation. Whilst there is no silver bullet to fix the situation straight away, we must make sure to use every tool in the toolbox and having the right insurance in place is part of that,” she added.