Reminder of Cymorth TB Support & Advice

Farmers’ Union of Wales is reminding its members of the free veterinary support and advice available through the Cymorth TB programme.  The programme is managed by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) and delivered through two Welsh veterinary delivery partners across Wales.  Those wishing to take part will be sent a voucher by APHA.
To make the support easier to access, visits by trained private vets have been, or will be, automatically scheduled for applicable herds; although cattle keepers may choose to opt-out if they wish.  The vets will provide support for disease management and advice on the risks associated with TB.
Private vets who wish to take part in the programme must complete a training module which has been accredited by Harper Adams University and is available online.
In addition, cattle keepers in the Intermediate TB Area North (ITBAN) can access free Cymorth TB style advice for keeping TB out following a clear contiguous TB test.
Please speak to your local veterinary practice for more.