General Licences for the lethal control of specified wild bird species

Natural resources Wales have uploaded preview copies of General Licences to be introduced from July 1st 2022.

GL001 - Licence to kill or take wild birds or to take or destroy their nests or eggs for the purposes of preventing serious damage or spread of disease to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables or fruit. Note the purpose to species matrix included in the licence which limits the lethal control measures compared to the existing general  licence.

GL002 - Licence to kill or take feral pigeon or to take or destroy their nests and eggs for the purposes of preserving public health, public safety or preventing the spread of disease

GL004 - Licence to kill or take carrion crow or to take or destroy their nests or eggs for the purpose of conserving wild birds. Note the exclusion of the Magpie, Jay and Jackdaw from the existing licence. The exclusion of the Magpie from the general licence was despite evidence indicating that Magpies were not under threat and that they posed a threat to other wild bird species. 

GL005 - Licence to kill or take ruddy duck or to take or destroy their nests or eggs for the purpose of conserving wild birds

For further information on the evidence, decision making and consultation process undertaken to design the new General Licences please click here.