Consultation on the release of game birds in Wales

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) are currently consulting on the introduction of a licensing system for the release of pheasants and red-legged partridge in Wales.

Significant numbers of non-native game birds, particularly common pheasant and red-legged partridge, are released in Wales each year. Within the boundaries of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) these releases usually require consent. However, There is currently little regulation outside of protected sites.

The consultation is proposing that game bird releases that are 500m or more from a sensitive SSSI or European protected site and follow widely accepted good practice will be permitted under the terms of a general licence. A general licence is a licence that is published on the NRW website and is available for anyone to use provided they comply with its terms and conditions. 

The consultation is also proposing that releases within sensitive protected sites, or within 500m of their boundaries, will need a specific licence from NRW. Specific licences must be applied for, are given individual consideration by NRW, and are issued to a particular person. Releases in other areas that do not meet the terms and conditions of the general licence will also require a specific licence.

The consultation closes on the 20th June. To read the full consultation or to respond with your views visit:


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