Survey on the impacts of bovine tuberculosis on health and wellbeing

The Farming Community Network (FCN) are looking for farmers to complete a survey to help them better understand the impact of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) on farmers’ health and wellbeing.

The study is looking to explore the emotional, financial and physical impacts of bTB and the long term effects these have had on the farmer, family and farm business.

The study also hopes to hear about farmers’ experiences of government policies to control and eradicate bTB.

The charity aims to better understand how farmers and farm families perceive the threat of bTB – helping to improve its support to those at risk or affected by a bTB breakdown.

To participate in the study the FCN has launched a survey which is open for responses until mid August. To complete the survey in English or Welsh visit:  (English)  (Welsh)

The charity is also inviting those who fill in the survey to take part in an optional longer-form interview from September onwards.


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