The Big Farmland Bird Count 2024

The Big Farmland Bird Count is an annual event that encourages farmers and land managers to record the bird species and numbers on their farms. This year's count is taking place from 2-18 February 2024.

The count aims to raise awareness of the important role that farmers play in the conservation of farmland birds, and to measure the impact of the conservation work that many farmers and shoots carry out.

It is easy to take part in the 2024 count. On one day between 2nd and 18th February spend about 30 minutes recording the species and number of birds seen on one particular area of the farm. You can choose your own location but somewhere with a good view of around 2 ha of the farm would be ideal.

Results can be submitted either by post or online.

For full details of how to take part visit:,and%20numbers%20on%20their%20farms.


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