Ceredigion sheep farmer heads up FUW Education & Training Committee

A Ceredigion sheep farmer has been appointed to lead the Farmers’ Union of Wales’ central education and training committee at a recent meeting in Aberystwyth.

Anwen Hughes, who has been the committee's vice chairman since 2015, takes over from S4C TV's Ffermio presenter Alun (Elidyr) Edwards, who served as the committee's chairman for 11 years.

Many will know Mrs Hughes as the FUW’s Ceredigion County Chairman and younger voice for farming vice chairman.

She farms around 138 acres, of which 99 acres are owned, 22.5 acres are on a lifetime farm tenancy and a further 17 acres are rented and keeps 100 pedigree Lleyn sheep, 30 purebred Highland sheep and 300 cross bred Lleyn and Highland ewes and has been farming since 1995  at Bryngido farm, just outside of Aberaeron in Ceredigion.

Speaking about her appointment Anwen said: “I am honoured and delighted to be taking over as the chairman of this important committee and would like to thank Alun for all of his years of service. His boots will be tough to fill.

“Looking to the future and the work the committee has ahead of it, our focus will be on how the sector can develop through education, training and research.

“We will of course also continue to work with key stakeholders such as Farming Connect, Lantra, FACE, HCC and the agricultural colleges to bring the latest information and guidance to our members.”

FUW younger voice for farming committee discuss future for lamb production in Wales

Delegates of the Farmers’ Union of Wales Younger Voice for Farming committee met with representatives from Dunbia, Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) and the CO-OP, to discuss the future for lamb production in Wales and wider #FarmingMatters.

The meeting, which was held at the Dunbia Llanybydder plant in Ceredigion, was followed by a tour of the site, allowing delegates to see the whole process from slaughter through to packaging.

The Llanybydder plant has a weekly retail capacity of 200 tonne,  slaughter capacity for 30,000 lambs per week and employs approximately 600 people, from 14 countries.

Delegates heard from Alison Harvey, Dunbia’s Agriculture Manager for Lamb, and Wyn Williams, Senior Livestock Buyer, who explained the history of the Llanybydder site since it was first established in 1956 by Oriel Jones, through to the current day where a newly formed joint venture between Dawn Meats is hoped to enable Dunbia to further develop as a leading supplier in the UK market.

FUW Anglesey hold information evening for farmers

The Anglesey branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is holding an information evening for farmers to discuss bovine TB, animal movements and rural crime.

The event will be held on Tuesday December 12 in the Pavillion on the Anglesey County Showground, commencing at 7.30pm.

The 3 guest speakers on the night include Steve Seagar from APHA and Janet Phillips WG who will both give talks on TB related issues and animal movements.  

In addition, a presentation will be given by PC Rhys Evans, Anglesey Rural Crime Officer, to update members on crime incidences over the last year within the locality of Anglesey.

FUW Anglesey CEO Heidi Williams said: “This promises to be a great evening, where we will discuss the most important #FarmingMatters. Everyone is welcome and I look forward to seeing many of you there.”

There will be festive food and drinks to follow meeting.  

Please confirm your attendance by phoning the Llangefni FUW Office on 01248 750250 or text Heidi Williams on 077255 16949.


FUW disappointed by Gwynedd Council decision to axe YFC grant funding

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has expressed its disappointment that the Young Farmers Club movement within the county of Meirionnydd is likely to lose its grant funding worth approximately £20,000 annually.

Gwynedd County Council, who provide the grant through their Youth Service, are said to have to find savings of £270,000 to help address the authority’s “unprecedented financial shortfall” as a result of severe government cuts.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “We are extremely disappointed by this prospect and hope that Gwynedd County Council can find a way to keep funding this valuable youth movement. Meirionnydd YFC use this money to employ a full-time county organiser and without such a role, most YFC activities would come to an end, from eisteddfoddau to county rallies and livestock competitions.

FUW Ceredigion county branch conference puts spotlight on #FarmingMatters

The future of the farming sector and how it can develop in future, was hotly debated at the Farmers’ Union of Wales Ceredigion county branch conference on Tuesday November 14, at Lampeter Rugby Club.

Keynote speakers on the night were Gwyn Howells, CEO of Hybu Cig Cymru, Dr. Nerys Llewelyn Jones from Agri Advisors Solicitors, Dr. William Stiles from IBERS and Gwyn Jones AHDB Dairy Board Chair.

FUW Ceredigion CEO Mared Jones said: “I would like to thank our speakers for their informative presentations and all those who attended, making our county branch conference a great success. And I would also like to thank “Ffermio” presenter Meinir Howells for chairing the evening.”

FUW Gwent farmers discuss future of red meat sector with HCC

The West Gwent branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales recently held a meeting with Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) at Llanhilleth Miners Institute to discuss the future of the red meat sector.

Farmers were joined Kevin Roberts, the chair of HCC,  who outlined his vision for the red meat industry in the post – Brexit world. Mr Roberts emphasised that the development of new markets for lamb was crucial to maintain the income levels of Welsh Hill Farms, but said that farmers needed to be adaptable to what the market wanted.

The option of switching some production capacity from lamb to beef is one thing that farmers might consider in order to spread their risk from Brexit,he said, as the UK currently imports a significant amount of beef.



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