FUW younger voice for farming committee discuss future for lamb production in Wales

Delegates of the Farmers’ Union of Wales Younger Voice for Farming committee met with representatives from Dunbia, Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) and the CO-OP, to discuss the future for lamb production in Wales and wider #FarmingMatters.

The meeting, which was held at the Dunbia Llanybydder plant in Ceredigion, was followed by a tour of the site, allowing delegates to see the whole process from slaughter through to packaging.

The Llanybydder plant has a weekly retail capacity of 200 tonne,  slaughter capacity for 30,000 lambs per week and employs approximately 600 people, from 14 countries.

Delegates heard from Alison Harvey, Dunbia’s Agriculture Manager for Lamb, and Wyn Williams, Senior Livestock Buyer, who explained the history of the Llanybydder site since it was first established in 1956 by Oriel Jones, through to the current day where a newly formed joint venture between Dawn Meats is hoped to enable Dunbia to further develop as a leading supplier in the UK market.

Speaking after the visit, FUW Policy Officer Charlotte Priddy said: “ It was a great meeting and really useful for our young farmers to hear from industry experts and to discuss issues that affect them.

“The conversation was varied and we covered a range of #FarmingMatters, with the focus of enhancing and securing a positive future for Welsh lamb. Having this kind of conversation where key issues are discussed by a range of different parties is a great way to hear other people’s views and to work together on common ground for a stronger voice for the industry.”

HCC's Industry Development and Relations Manager John Richards, who also joined the meeting, added: "This was a fantastic chance to exchange ideas and work with enthusiastic farmers who represent the future of our industry.

"We had a chance to discuss many of the main challenges and opportunities that the sheep sector faces over the next few years, including ensuring a sufficient supply of lambs at all seasons, maximising eating quality, and managing volatility in the marketplace. Producing with the modern consumer in mind was a key theme throughout."

“The tour of the factory was incredibly interesting - seeing the full process from slaughter to packaging the final product ready for the consumer is something I would fully recommend to anyone in the business,” added Charlotte Priddy.