FUW discovers great enthusiasm among Gwent's younger farmers

[caption id="attachment_3887" align="aligncenter" width="300"]QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: From left, Chris Lewis, Rhian Nowell-Phillips and Darren Williams QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: From left, Chris Lewis, Rhian Nowell-Phillips and Darren Williams[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3888" align="aligncenter" width="300"]PACKED MEETING PACKED MEETING[/caption]

More than 80 younger Gwent farmers turned up to a packed meeting organised by the county branch of the FUW recently to help explain the various schemes and grants available to assist farmers under 40.

During the meeting at the King of Prussia public house in Abergavenny farm liaison officers Steve Meredith and Jane Walters gave a presentation on the Young Entrant Support Scheme and the young farmer top-up under the new Basic Payment Scheme.

They also explained the requirements for applying to the National Reserve under the New Entrant, Young Farmer and Proof of Production criteria.

Following the presentation, FUW county chairman Chris Lewis conducted a question and answer session with the union’s voice for younger farmers committee chairman Darren Williams and deputy agricultural policy director Rhian Nowell-Phillips.

FUW county executive officer Glyn Davies said a brief questionnaire completed by the attendees highlighted the need for such meetings, with the comments proving the enthusiasm that exists amongst the younger farmers of Gwent.

The intention is to hold a further meeting specifically for this group of members in February, he added.

“It was extremely pleasing to see such a fantastic turn-out for this meeting which highlights the need to involve the future farmers of the county in the work of the union," said Mr Davies.

"These young farmers will be the custodians of our industry for many years to come and it is vital that they are involved in shaping the industry in order to meet the huge challenge of feeding a growing population whilst complying with the myriad of rules and regulations which exist.”


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