Farmers can’t be expected to shoulder the burden alone, FUW tells Cardiff breakfast delegates

[caption id="attachment_7572" align="alignleft" width="300"](l-r) Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies (event sponsor), Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths, FUW President Glyn Roberts (l-r) Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies (event sponsor), Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths, FUW President Glyn Roberts[/caption]

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has told Assembly Members in Cardiff at its annual Farmhouse breakfast that farmers can’t be expected to shoulder the burden of in-effective bovine disease control measures any longer and renewed its call to tackle the disease in badger populations.

Speaking at the 17th Farmhouse breakfast FUW President Glyn Roberts told Assembly Members that: “We cannot expect farmers to continue to shoulder the burden of new interventions without there being appropriate support, nor can we ignore the call for pro-active management of disease in wildlife.”

Mr Roberts acknowledged that whilst farmers see some progress in terms of dealing with diseased badgers, the FUW strongly urges the Welsh Government to address the issue of badger culling far more robustly.

“Nearly 10,000 cattle were slaughtered last year, in a one-sided approach to dealing with the problem. The results of the recent consultation show that the farmers of Wales are expecting a more robust solution that also deals with wildlife,” he told Assembly Members and breakfast guests.

He further stressed that we must not fall into the trap of forming opinions based on emotions rather than facts in political and public life and that there is an urgent need to base our future strategy on evidence based information from impartial research.

Appreciating that we are living in different times, challenging times, and perhaps the most uncertain times that many of us will have experienced in decades, Mr Roberts further said that the decision to leave the European Union will have a profound effect on the Welsh economy, none more so than the agricultural sector.

“Although we must be optimistic and hope for the best possible outcome following the referendum result and the plans laid out by Prime Minister Theresa May, we cannot hide from reality: 90% of Welsh agricultural exports go to the EU, and 80% of farmers income is derived from the Common Agricultural Policy,” added Mr Roberts.Launch of the  the Pierhead building, Cardiff, Wales, UK

Breakfast guests in Cardiff Bay further heard that the Union has spent a lot of time around tables with other organisations discussing a way forward for the agricultural industry in the last six months and that in collaboration with the Welsh Government, the FUW and other organisations, have come together to craft a vision for agriculture post-Brexit.

“I'm really pleased at both the progress and the level of engagement that we have seen over recent months but none of us truly know what the future holds and of course the details of any settlement will be crucial.

“But the FUW is convinced that the devolved powers for agriculture will be best managed through a carefully crafted framework that recognises the power of devolution. And by working closely with our Government here in Wales, we will be able to create a solution that is right for Wales.”

FUW welcomes Welsh Government white paper on Brexit

695a2300The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed the white paper on Brexit launched by Welsh Government First Minister Carwyn Jones and the leader of Plaid Cymru Leanne Wood today.

The joint Welsh Brexit plan calls for continued participation in the single market, as well as a "balanced approach" to immigration linking migration to jobs.

First Minister Carwyn Jones stated that the paper "balances the message which the Welsh people gave us" of the Brexit vote "with the economic reality that makes participation in the single market so important for the future prosperity of Wales, and indeed the UK as a whole".

FUW President Glyn Roberts responded to the plans, saying: “I welcome the stance taken by Welsh Government in their Brexit white paper, which acknowledges that “continued participation in the single market to support the future prosperity of Wales” is essential”.

“The livestock producers which make up the vast majority of Welsh farmers are particularly reliant on exports to the continent, and the FUW has made it clear since the referendum that full and unfettered access is essential to Wales.

“Around 30 percent of Welsh lambs were exported to continental Europe, and the complexity of pan-EU food supply chains means there are acute threats for other sectors.”

The Brexit white paper also call on the UK Government to make good on promises that Wales would not lose funding as a result of Brexit, as well as calling for recognition that there needs to be a "fundamentally different" relationship between the devolved governments and the UK government.

The FUW has continually stressed that a transition period of at least 10 years is necessary in order to phase in and allow the industry to adjust to new agricultural policies post-Brexit and in addition, has argued that agricultural support following our exit from the European Union should be maintained at levels which at least reflect those levels which would have been in place should the UK have voted to remain in the EU.

Furthermore, recognising the different role the Welsh and devolved administrations have to play has been welcomed recently by the FUW.

Speaking about the role the Welsh Government should play in negotiating our exit from the EU, Mr Roberts said: “Devolution should be respected within an overarching UK support framework in the context of making our withdrawal from the European Union and as such we welcomed Theresa May’s commitment to work with the devolved administrations and her recognition that Wales is different to the rest of the UK.  That call has today been mirrored by Welsh Government and we will continue to work with them to develop a framework that takes Wales’ unique position into account.”

A third of Wales’ population live in rural areas where farming, and businesses which rely on agriculture, play an important role in local economies; in sparsely populated areas, where centres of population have less than 2,000 people, around 10 per cent of workers are employed in agriculture. That equivalent to 14 per cent of those employed outside the public sector.

“Taking these figures into consideration, the FUW has highlighted for many years the wider role agriculture plays in terms of supporting Wales’ rural and wider economy and that’s why we are stressing the fact that agriculture needs to be allowed to adjust to new policies post-Brexit and that support is maintained in line with other EU countries.

“The chances of a bad trade deal or no deal at all increase the faster the UK government proceeds, which is why the FUW has consistently called for a lengthy transition period. Otherwise we risk being like lemmings rushing towards a cliff edge."

Meirionnydd school children get hands-on with farming

[caption id="attachment_7554" align="alignleft" width="300"]Year 5 and 6 pupils from Ysgol Bro Tryweryn, Y Bala enjoy a day out on farm Year 5 and 6 pupils from Ysgol Bro Tryweryn, Y Bala enjoy a day out on farm[/caption]

School children from Meirionnydd enjoyed a hands-on day out at a Bala farm, when they visited Farmers’ Union of Wales Meirionnydd Vice Chairman Geraint Davies and his wife Rachael at Fedw Arian Uchaf, Y Bala.

The pupils from year 5 and 6 at Ysgol Bro Tryweryn, Y Bala, were introduced to farming and environmental issues and got involved with hedge planting and other jobs such as fencing , and erecting gates, with the assistance of Arwel Morris and Billy Taylor of the Snowdonia National Park.

The children also learnt about the old tradition of hedgelaying, a country craft which has been practiced for hundreds of years but it is just as relevant today as it always has been.

[caption id="attachment_7555" align="alignright" width="300"]The children got involved with hedge planting and other jobs. The children got involved with hedge planting and other jobs.[/caption]

Geraint Davies is the 3rd generation tenant farmer at Fedw Arian Uchaf, which belongs to the Rhiwlas Estate, Bala. Together with his wife, he farms 1200 acres carrying 1000 breeding ewes with 200 replacements and 30 suckler cows.

Following the visit, Geraint Davies said: “It was an absolute pleasure to have the children here on the farm. It is always great if you can take the classroom outside and get a hands-on experience and the children did really well.

“Educating the next generation about where their food comes from and showing them why farming matters is really important to us and I hope the kids enjoyed the experience as much as we did.”

FUW welcomes recognition of devolved administrations in Brexit speech

fuw-conference-3The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed the recognition of the role devolved administrations should play in planning for our departure from the European Union.

As Prime Minister Theresa May outlined her 12 point Brexit plan, providing  more clarity, she said: “I have also been determined from the start that the devolved administrations should be fully engaged in this process [...] Part of that will mean working very carefully to ensure that – as powers are repatriated from Brussels back to Britain – the right powers are returned to Westminster, and the right powers are passed to the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.”

Responding to the announcement, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “Today’s announcement offers us more clarity. That’s something we have been asking for since the referendum result. Now we know what we are dealing with and what our starting position is.

“Devolution should be respected within an overarching UK support framework in the context of making our withdrawal from the European Union and as such we welcome Theresa May’s commitment to work with the devolved administrations and her recognition that Wales is different to the rest of the UK.

“With this in mind and irrespective of what trade deals are in place post-Brexit, within the UK, Welsh farmers will compete against their counterparts in other devolved regions. We therefore need a common framework across the UK which minimises unfair competition and market distortion.”

Mr Roberts added that a UK agricultural framework should therefore be put in place which prevents unfair competition between devolved regions and secures and protects adequate long term funding for agriculture, while also respecting devolved powers over agriculture.

He however stressed that there needs to be flexibility within that framework to allow devolved governments to make decisions which are appropriate for their regions and that specific ring-fenced funding for agriculture should be allocated to Wales outside the Barnett Formula, and should be administered by the Welsh Government.

“The FUW will continue in its close working relationship with the UK and Welsh Government to find solutions to the problems agriculture is facing and work together to exploit the opportunities that present themselves to us,” added Mr Roberts

Enjoy some of the very best of Carmarthen food for breakfast

[caption id="attachment_7539" align="alignleft" width="200"]Emma and Neil Rose of Rhosyn farm are in charge of breakfast on Thursday 26 January, using their own home-made sausages, bacon, black pudding and fresh eggs straight from the farm Emma and Neil Rose of Rhosyn farm are in charge of breakfast on Thursday 26 January, using their own home-made sausages, bacon, black pudding and fresh eggs straight from the farm[/caption]

Have you tasted Carmarthenshire ham, Carmarthenshire Cheese Company’s Boksburg Gold, Rhosyn bacon, sausages and black pudding? And how about starting your day with such tasty food? The next best chance to enjoy some of the finest Welsh food produce is by attending a breakfast function in Carmarthenshire.

The first breakfast has been arranged at Pontiets Rugby Club on Thursday, January 26. It starts at 8.30am and Emma and Neil Rose of Rhosyn farm are in charge of breakfast, using their own home-made sausages, bacon, black pudding and fresh eggs straight from the farm.

The couple take pride in breeding their own stock, outdoor rearing in the most idyllic surroundings in Carmarthenshire and giving their animals the best quality of care and attention during their time on the farm.

Farming pockets of land covering approximately 100 acres, they use both the Gloucester Old Spots and Herdwicks for clearing the rough ground before returning to pasture, which certainly adds to the taste of the meat that Rhosyn produce. That’s something you will be able to judge and of course enjoy for yourselves if you join the breakfast at Pontiets Rugby Club.

On Friday, January 27, the Pumpkin Patch in Carmarthen takes centre stage at breakfast time. The breakfast here starts at 9am and takes a slightly different approach to the traditional breakfast.

Lisa Fearn from the Pumpkin Patch Cookery School and author of ‘Blas / Taste’ will be hosting a breakfast with a twist. This promises to be an exciting start to the day with Lisa’s continental fusion breakfast made with wonderful Welsh produce.

The two breakfasts have been organised as part of the FUW’s Farmhouse Breakfast Week campaign (January 21 – January 28), which aims to raise the profile of Welsh produce and get politicians, key stakeholders and the general public to appreciate the important role the food and drink sector plays in their everyday lives.

[caption id="attachment_7540" align="alignright" width="300"]"Let’s start our day together and enjoy the quality food we have on offer." - Nerys Edwards "Let’s start our day together and enjoy the quality food we have on offer." - Nerys Edwards[/caption]

Nerys Edwards, the FUW’s Carmarthen County Executive Officer Assistant in charge of organising the breakfast functions, said: “Those who are joining us will see the vital part farmers play in maintaining our rural communities, in sustaining a viable and profitable agricultural sector and of course producing excellent food.

“But we want you to be a part of what we do too. So join us for breakfast and share your thoughts and worries about the state of the industry, tell us your stories and help us to understand how we can help each other.

“And really there is no better way to to do it than over good food and a cup of tea. Let’s start our day together and enjoy the quality food we have on offer.”

To book your seat at one of the Carmarthen breakfasts, please call the office on 01267237974.


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Ca parte a parteneriatului nostru cu FUW, cazinoul nostru online Ice Casino lansează o serie de jocuri cu tematică agricolă, unde o parte din încasări vor merge în sprijinul agriculturii.