FUW welcomes BPS announcement at Royal Welsh Winter Fair

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed today’s (Monday, November 28) announcement by Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths that almost 90 % of Basic Payments will be made on the first day of the payment window (Thursday,December 1).

Speaking at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “The Welsh Government has hit a high payment target and we are grateful to all the staff who have worked hard to ensure money can be released on the first day of the payment window.

“Last year our farmers faced a considerable delay in receiving the BPS due to the extremely complicated process of completing the Single Application Forms, so we are grateful that these problems have been resolved in most cases.

“Most of the money arriving in the farm account through the BPS will be going straight out to secondary and tertiary businesses. Hundreds of businesses are solely reliant on Welsh agriculture. Look at all the traders and businesses exhibiting at the Fair today. Any delay in the payment of the Basic Payment would have a direct impact on these businesses and their employees.

“We have been working closely with Welsh Government to achieve this result for our farmers here in Wales and are looking forward to continue in our close working relationship in the future. The co-operation between all industry stakeholders and Welsh Government illustrates that we can achieve great things for Welsh farming if we work collaboratively.”

FUW launches Brexit Briefing at Winter Fair

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has launched a Brexit Briefing Paper at the Winter Fair, which provides a summary of the key issues facing our industry post Brexit, and some of the possible outcomes and solutions for agriculture and all those who rely on it - as well as the Union’s latest positions on key policy areas.

As is the case for most government departments and industries, the issue of Brexit has come to dominate most of the areas of work dealt with by the Union.

Speaking at the launch, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “Since June 23, the Farmers’ Union of Wales has held scores of meetings with members across Wales to discuss the implications of the referendum outcome and the way forward for Wales.

“Five months on, there remain far more questions than answers in terms of the process of leaving the EU and the implications for Welsh and UK agriculture. Our members are clear in their view that policies must be developed cautiously in order to reflect and influence emerging political decisions.

“Notwithstanding this, the FUW has already agreed on a number of key principles aimed at protecting Wales’ interests, while numerous detailed proposals have been put forward by members.

“Meanwhile, the Union has worked alongside others to gather and analyse data on the current role played by agriculture in Wales and the possible implications of different outcomes for our industry and wider society.

“I am delighted to launch the FUW’s Brexit Briefing Paper here today, which provides a summary of the key issues facing our industry post Brexit, and some of the possible outcomes and solutions for agriculture and all those who rely on it.”

Work carried out by the FUW in relation to Brexit negotiations and gaining support for agriculture in Wales is further outlined in the briefing paper.

Mr Roberts added saying that: “In addition to meetings with members across Wales, the FUW has met regularly with Ministers, MPs, AMs, civil servants and key stakeholders, emphasising that support should be maintained for sectors at levels which do not compromise either family farms or rural economies, that agriculture and domestic food production must be given priority during all trade negotiations with other countries and trading blocks, that bureaucracy and restrictions must not adversely impact or hamper Welsh and UK agriculture and that the procurement of Welsh and British produce should be the default position for all UK public sector bodies.

“The Union has emphasised that robust steps must be taken to ensure supermarkets and other private sector bodies support domestic producers and do not act in a way which undermines UK food production or the viability of our agricultural sectors and that in line with public opinion, the family farm must be recognised as the powerhouse of our rural economies and the most appropriate source of UK agricultural produce.”

[gview file="http://fuw.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Brexit-Briefing-FUW-November-2016.pdf"]

FUW looks forward to high-level Brexit discussions with Minister of State for Exiting the European Union

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is joining high-level Brexit discussions with Minister of State for Exiting the European Union, the Rt Hon David Jones MP in London, to ensure the voice of Welsh farmers is heard at the very top of Government.

FUW President Glyn Roberts, said: “The Agri-Food Sector Exiting the European Union roundtable discussions will provided the FUW with a welcome opportunity to stress that Welsh agriculture must not be ignored in any Brexit negotiations and in planning our exit strategy.

“We will also remind the Minister that the current bovine TB situation here in Wales could still pose a risk to future trade deals. The problem is not exclusive to Wales and we are anxious to ensure that all Governments are addressing the risks to trade appropriately.

“In addition, tariff-free access to EU markets is essential, particularly for the Welsh sheep sector, and the current levels of bovine TB are likely to be used against us in any trade negotiations.

“We also hope to get a better understanding of the UK position and how this is going to affect Wales and our rural economies. Further, we will take our priorities to the talks and make the case for Welsh farmers, highlighting that it is in the interests of all countries for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU to take place as smoothly as possible and over an appropriate transition period, as opposed to the ‘hard Brexit’ advocated by some.”

FUW to meet DEFRA Minister to discuss the future for agriculture

Farmers’ Union of Wales officials will meet with Minister of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) George Eustice next week, to discuss the future for agriculture in light of the planned exit from the European Union.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “We look forward to once again meeting  with George Eustice to further discuss #FarmingMatters, and expect to have wide ranging discussions on future support structures and possible UK framework agreements.

“The Farmers’ Union of Wales speaks exclusively on behalf of the farmers of Wales, with no external influences and we are determined to develop the best possible solutions for the farmers of Wales in any future agricultural settlements.”

British Heart Foundation Cymru to benefit from FUW Christmas cards

[caption id="attachment_7290" align="alignleft" width="300"]The winner of the English category was Caleb Vater, 9, of St Nicholas House, Christ College, Brecon. The winner of the English category was Caleb Vater, 9, of St Nicholas House, Christ College, Brecon.[/caption]

Farmers’ Union of Wales president’s chosen charity – British Heart Foundation Cymru – is a winner thanks to a Wales wide primary school competition, organised by the Union, to design a Christmas card with a farming theme which attracted hundreds of entries.

FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “The competition was a roaring success, attracting hundreds of entries from across Wales. The standard was very high and presented the judges with a tough task when it came to choosing the winners.

“I would like to thank every single child who entered the competition and to tell them that without their participation the contest would not have been such a success. I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff at the schools up and down the country that assisted the FUW in the running of the competition.

“It gave children in urban and rural areas of Wales an opportunity to connect with the farming industry and express their thoughts in a creative and colourful way, showing why #FarmingMatters. I believe it is vital that we as farmers maintain a strong link with young people so that they understand the way that food is produced in this country.”

The competition was split into two categories – English and Welsh designs. The Welsh category was won by Savanna George, 10, of Henry Richard School, Primary Campus, Tregaron. Her winning design depicted a colourful line-up of farm animals, all dressed with Christmas hats, featuring the slogan ‘Amaeth Am Byth’.

[caption id="attachment_7289" align="alignright" width="300"]Enillydd y categori Cymraeg oedd Savanna George, 10 oed o Ysgol Henry Richard, Campws Cynradd, Tregaron. Enillydd y categori Cymraeg oedd Savanna George, 10 oed o Ysgol Henry Richard, Campws Cynradd, Tregaron.[/caption]

The winner of the English category was Caleb Vater, 9, of St Nicholas House, Christ College, Brecon. His winning design shows a farmer driving a tractor across a field with milk and potatoes, as well as a Christmas tree, on the trailer. The Christmas tree is festively decorated with vegetables.

Both win a £30 gift voucher for themselves, a packet of the cards depicting their design and a £50 cheque for their school.

The cards are also available to buy from FUW county offices throughout Wales or by mail order from the union’s head office in Aberystwyth at £5 for a pack of 10.


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