Longest serving FUW staff member retires

The longest serving member of the Farmers' Union of Wales staff, Llanrwst-based Gwyn Williams, is retiring at the end of this month after more than 39 years with the organisation.

Mr Williams started working for the union in July 1975 and, as an area officer covering much of the Conwy Valley and surrounding area, saw the organisation develop from a “pressure group” to the force it is today. He also witnessed the official recognition of the union in 1977 by the then Westminster agriculture minister John Silkin.

"Among the high points of my career as an FUW area officer was experiencing the union grow in stature and influence," he said.

"Most importantly, it was an honour and privilege to serve the farming community of the Hiraethog and north Clwyd area. Even up to today I have fourth generation farmers that have done business with me personally."

Among the low points of his union service were the Chernobyl and BSE disasters. "History has taught us that Foot & Mouth, despite being serious, would end at some point but we were treading unknown territory with both Chernobyl and BSE.

"Although I consider myself a very positive person, I recall times when I seriously believed livestock farming in its previous form would not be possible.

"I wish to thank the members and rural businesses I have had the privilege of working with for their support throughout the last 39 years.

"I am now looking forward to having more time with my family. I enjoy walking and caravanning and I will be assisting my son who has a business in Betws y Coed."

FUW Insurance Services managing director Mark Roberts said: “Gwyn is not only our longest serving area officer, he is also our most successful. When he commenced his employment with us in 1975 the insurance premium income in his area was approximately £25,000 - at the time of his retirement it is approximately £1,500,000 - and what would have taken a year to collect in 1975 is now collected every four days!

“He has been so successful in growing his account that he needs to be replaced by three area officers - Caryl Edwards, Lowri Evans and Gwyn Jones.

“Gwyn has seen many changes in his career with FUW, including the move towards the use of computer technology and the move away from the use of a single insurer to that of an insurance broking model. Rather than resist change, Gwyn has embraced it.

“He was the first area officer to work from an office and the first area officer to employ an administrative assistant, both of which are now the norm rather than the exception.

“Whilst he has often queried some of my decisions, I wish I had 32 area officers like him. He is one of the most dedicated, driven and organised people that I have ever met and I shall miss him. I wish him a long and happy retirement.”

[caption id="attachment_3133" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]The longest serving member of the Farmers' Union of Wales staff, Llanrwst-based Gwyn Williams, is retiring at the end of this month after more than 39 years with the organisation The longest serving member of the Farmers' Union of Wales staff, Llanrwst-based Gwyn Williams, is retiring at the end of this month after more than 39 years with the organisation[/caption]

FUW welcomes retention of TB compensation system

The Farmers’ Union of Wales today welcomed deputy farming and food minister Rebecca Evans’ announcement that Welsh TB compensation rates for compulsorily purchased cattle will continue to use the current valuation system.

 Earlier this year, the FUW responded to a Welsh Government consultation on TB compensation rates in Wales by vociferously objecting to any move towards a tabular system which used average market pricing.

 FUW vice president and the union’s TB spokesman Brian Walters said: “Animals placed on the market do not necessarily reflect the standards of those that remain on farm, particularly in the case of pedigree herds. Tabular values could, therefore, act as a disincentive to keeping higher value animals particularly in areas where TB is prevalent.

“Indeed the tabular system would have rewarded poorer quality animals and could have had a negative effect on the use of herd improvement technologies such as genetic and genomics.”

The retention of the current valuation system comes with some notable changes. Extra measures will be put in place to scrutinise pedigree valuations above £3,000 and there will be a cap of £15,000 for payments made on pedigree animals. There will also be a review of the use of veterinary improvement notices and penalties for risky practises.

“Using average market prices as a basis for payments would have been wholly unjust and would have inevitably reduced the amount of compensation paid to many farmers here in Wales,” added Mr Walters.

“We are, therefore, pleased that the Welsh Government has listened to our representations on this matter and that our opinions have been taken on board.

“The union will now be seeking more information on how this added scrutiny will function in practise and will be working to ensure that the increased use of veterinary improvement notices is both proportionate and appropriate.”

FUW welcomes retention of TB compensation system

The Farmers’ Union of Wales today welcomed deputy farming and food minister Rebecca Evans’ announcement that Welsh TB compensation rates for compulsorily purchased cattle will continue to use the current valuation system.

Earlier this year, the FUW responded to a Welsh Government consultation on TB compensation rates in Wales by vociferously objecting to any move towards a tabular system which used average market pricing.

FUW vice president and the union’s TB spokesman Brian Walters said: “Animals placed on the market do not necessarily reflect the standards of those that remain on farm, particularly in the case of pedigree herds. Tabular values could, therefore, act as a disincentive to keeping higher value animals particularly in areas where TB is prevalent.

“Indeed the tabular system would have rewarded poorer quality animals and could have had a negative effect on the use of herd improvement technologies such as genetic and genomics.”

The retention of the current valuation system comes with some notable changes. Extra measures will be put in place to scrutinise pedigree valuations above £3,000 and there will be a cap of £15,000 for payments made on pedigree animals. There will also be a review of the use of veterinary improvement notices and penalties for risky practises.

“Using average market prices as a basis for payments would have been wholly unjust and would have inevitably reduced the amount of compensation paid to many farmers here in Wales,” added Mr Walters.

“We are, therefore, pleased that the Welsh Government has listened to our representations on this matter and that our opinions have been taken on board.

“The union will now be seeking more information on how this added scrutiny will function in practise and will be working to ensure that the increased use of veterinary improvement notices is both proportionate and appropriate.”

[caption id="attachment_1466" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Brian Walters portrait FUW vice president Brian Walters[/caption]

FUW’s Brecon and Radnor day is a first for Westminster

Taking Brecon and Radnor’s agriculture, food and rural economy to the heart of the corridors of power in Westminster will be the aim of a Farmers' Union of Wales-organised function next week (Wednesday, October 22).

Between 2pm and 4pm “Brecon & Radnor Day” will take place at the Jubilee Room in the House of Commons and provide an opportunity to learn more about what the counties have to offer.

FUW Brecon and Radnor county executive officer Aled Jones said: “This is the first time that the FUW Brecon and Radnor county branch has arranged such an event with close assistance and co-operation of Brecon and Radnor MP Roger Williams.

“We look forward to sharing this exciting opportunity with local food and drink and other local businesses such as Penderyn Distillery, Radnor Wildlife Trust, Brecknock Wildlife Trust, Radnor YFC, Brecknock YFC, RWAS, Ty Mawr Lime, Brecon Brewing, Welsh Lavender, Radnor Hills Mineral Water and CLA Cymru.

"The branch would like to thank Mr Williams and his staff, both in Brecon and Radnor and London, for working with us on this project.”

"It is widely recognised that Roger Williams is a strong and loyal supporter of agriculture, food and the rural economy and his commitment and enthusiasm for this function further proves that.

“We will be serving nibbles from the Welsh Venison Centre and Morgans Butchers, a selection of gluten free cakes and savouries and loads of home-made Welsh cakes,” added Mr Jones.

A brochure of all those businesses and organisations attending Brecon and Radnor Day will be given to MPs and House of Lords peers attending the function.

It is an event that aims to celebrate the innovative and modern rural economy of Brecon and Radnor at Westminster which will provide an even stronger platform for a bright economic future to the area.

FUW backs ‘Joint Opportunities Platform’ proposal

Delegates at the Farmers’ Union of Wales autumn conference heard how a new ‘Joint opportunities platform’ could pave the way for successful joint farming agreements in the future.

Speaking after the conference yesterday (October 15), FUW president Emyr Jones, said: “It is clear that there needs to be an industry wide approach to explore and promote the opportunities for joint ventures.

“Our speakers gave us a comprehensive overview of the issues that need to be addressed and we hope that the recommendations made by MalcolFUWm Thomas, who undertook a review of the young entrants support scheme (YESS) and wider its wider implications, will be implemented as soon as possible.”

“A new Joint Opportunities Platform must be established to identify and match those farmers and landowners seeking to enter into a contract or share farming arrangement with those new entrants seeking a route into the industry,” Malcolm Thomas told conference delegates.

“The Platform would require the involvement of the wider industry and would encompass training, information and mentoring services. I recommend that this work, co-ordinated by the Welsh government, begins immediately and involves the farming unions, RWAS, RICS, CAAV, accountants, solicitors and YFC with a view to completing the work by spring 2015,” added Mr Thomas.

“The Malcolm Thomas report highlights the positive action Welsh government and industry needs to take in order to progress and move the industry forward.

“To date the report has not been published although it was clear from the cross industry support from conference delegates that the recommendations should be adopted by Welsh government.

“The Rural Development Plan 2014-2020, has the potential to deliver a whole range of initiatives which could facilitate the promotion and support of succession and joint ventures and it is vital that we have a coherent plan to take this forward,” added Mr Jones.

All successful businesses have a common ingredient and that is the flow of new blood, new ideas and new experience said Mr Jones and we need swift progress on the whole subject of succession if the industry is to address the challenges of food security in the future.

[caption id="attachment_3125" align="aligncenter" width="646"]Malcolm Thomas addresses the FUW autumn conference Malcolm Thomas addresses the FUW autumn conference[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3126" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Delegates at the FUW autumn conference Delegates at the FUW autumn conference[/caption]


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