Welsh Government publishes latest Sustainable Farming Scheme proposals and opens next phase of co-design

The Welsh Government has published its latest proposals for a Sustainable Farming Scheme in Wales from 2025 onwards.

The document - which can be viewed here - will form the basis for the next phase of co-design which opened for registration on 6th July 2022.

The FUW believes that the proposals are ‘on the right track’ but concerns still exist around some of the details. Nevertheless, the Welsh Government has moved on leaps and bounds and now has an overarching framework that is not dissimilar to what the Union has proposed.

This includes a ‘baseline payment’ for undertaking universal actions that will apply to all farms in the scheme, with the option of higher level actions which would attract further payments as would collaborative actions.

However, there are some concerning suggestions regarding the universal actions that, while being possible or practical for some farmers, would not be for large numbers of others.

FUW members are encouraged to discuss the proposals with their County Executive Committees and engage with the Welsh Government co-design process.

More information can be found here: https://gov.wales/sustainable-farming-scheme-guide