News in brief July 2022

i) ECA says that some EU agricultural spending schemes exposed to fraud risks

A recent audit report published by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) says that some EU agricultural spending schemes are exposed to fraud risks due to incorrect interpretations of the rules.

The main risks identified are linked to illegal ‘land grabbing’ in countries with weak land registration schemes and unclear ownership. Fraudsters may also seek to acquire land for the sole purpose of receiving payments without performing any agricultural activities.

The Commission has accepted all of the ECA’s recommendations.

ii) Welsh food and drink exports reach record high in 2021

Welsh food and drink exports reached a record high of £641 million in 2021, rising by 16% year on year, the largest increase across the four UK nations.

The highest value category was meat and meat products at £187 million, with eight of the top ten destinations for all Welsh food and drink exports being within the EU.

iii) Laca warns of reductions of meat in school diets due to price increases

Laca, the UK’s school food caterers’ association with members which provide 80% of school meals in England and Wales, has said that fresh meat has been removed from a number of school menus due to rising prices.

The average school is now facing a 20% rise in food costs compared with figures from April 2022.