News in brief August 2022

i) Beef and Lamb New Zealand concerned about carbon farming

Beef and Lamb New Zealand has said that the recent Government announcement that exotic trees would no longer be removed from the Emissions Trading Scheme was a step back from addressing the ‘deeply concerning’ sale of sheep and beef farms while the conversion to carbon farming is ‘out of control’.

According to Beef and Lamb New Zealand, the figures show that in June 2022, consent was given under the ‘special forestry one-off purchase’ for the acquisition of nearly 2300 hectares of land for the conversion to forestry in the North Island.


ii) Meirionnydd farmers venture into carbon auditing

A group of farmers who are members of a Farming Connect discussion group in Meirionnydd have started to carbon audit their farms using a carbon auditing tool.

The tool will audit all parts of their businesses from fuel use to the fertility of their livestock.

The aim of the project is to inform the farmers of their current carbon footprint and create an action plan on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions if and where required.


iii) Supermarket sales increase as grocery price inflation hits 10%

According to the latest figures from Kantar, grocery price inflation now stands at around 10%, the second highest level of grocery inflation recorded since 2008.

Supermarket sales have also increased by 0.1% for the first rise since April 2021 despite consumers now facing a £454 per year increase in supermarket bills.