Temporary support for farmers in England

Following the Environment Agency declaring drought conditions over much of England on 16th August, Defra has announced that from 17th August until the end of the year farmers and landowners involved in the Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes have been given temporary easements on a range of options.

The move by Defra is to help ease shortages of bedding, fodder, grazing, or forage crops and applies to England only.

The temporary easements allow areas to be cut or grazed for their own use and to share with the wider community. Buffer zones, flower mixes and field corners are included in the option to cut or graze amongst many other options. Brassicas may be grazed early and other easements include allowing farmers to supplementary feed on very low input grasslands.

Farmers will need to fill out a temporary requirements adjustment form and keep field operations and grazing records for parcels to be produced at a later date if required.