Agricultural Policy

Addressing Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Wales – Webinar Events

The Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) in the Welsh Government and the Animal and Plant Health Agency are holding a series of webinars on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Wales.

The series of webinars will:

New rules on Ammonium Nitrate Sales

The Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) is warning farmers that from 1st October 2023, photo identification will be required when purchasing ammonium nitrate (AN) with a nitrogen content of more than 16%.

Changes in the law have introduced new substances into the list of explosives precursors and poisons and this applies to compounds, blends and mixtures such as NPK fertiliser containing ammonium nitrate above the nitrogen content threshold.

Farming Connect one-to-one Surgeries

Farming Connect (FC) is offering surgeries of one hour, either digitally or over the phone, to offer specific guidance to farming businesses. 

The surgeries cover a wide range of topics under Business, Livestock and Land.

The eligibility criteria for the one-to-one surgeries and clinics is as follows:

Farming Connect Innovation and Diversification Wales Event

The third Farming Connect Innovation and Diversification Wales Event is being held on 21st September on the Royal Welsh Showground.

The event will offer support and advice through one-to-one surgeries, workshops and seminars across the agri-related topics including innovation, diversification, livestock, sustainability and changing the way of thinking and working.