Agricultural Policy

Red meat levy changes from 1st April

Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) have made changes to the levy rates for red meat in Wales which will apply from 1st April 2023.

The changes mean that from 1st April, levy rates will be increased in line with inflation meaning an additional 6p on the farmers’ levy for sheep and 2p for processors, and a proportionate 40p increase in the cattle levy for farmers, and 12p for processors.

This will be the first increase in Welsh red meat levy rates since 2011. HCC say that the changes will allow them to achieve enhanced marketing, supply chain efficiency and driving forward greater sustainability.

New Farming Connect programme launched

A new £22.9 million Farming Connect programme was launched by the Welsh government on 23rd February to support farmers as they prepare to move to the new Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS).

The new programme, announced by Minister for Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths, offers business support, aims to improve resilience, provide access to the latest innovations and help develop farm businesses. The overarching themes for the new programme will be sustainability, improved environmental performance and greater global competitiveness.

Support will include a horticultural programme providing sector specific support for all rural growers, and a new ‘sheep genetics’ programme which has been developed for sheep farmers.

The new programme will run for two years until March 2025 and will focus on preparing farmers to transition to the new Sustainable Farming Scheme.

Farming Connect can be contacted on 03456 000 813 or visit:

Farmers sought for TB cattle trials

The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) began the first phase of trials into the performance and safety of a new Detecting Infected among Vaccinated Animals (DIVA) skin test to detect bTB in unvaccinated livestock in 2021. The results of phase one are currently being analysed.

Phase two consists of an active field trial that will assess the safety of the CattleBCG vaccine and the safety and performance of the DIVA skin test when applied to vaccinated cattle. If this phase of testing is successful, the UK could come one step closer to safely and successfully vaccinating cattle against bTB.

Farmers are being invited to take part in the tests, subject to their farms meeting inclusion criteria. The trials are expected to be completed before the end of the year.

Anyone interested in participating and who meet the following criteria are asked to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details.

The inclusion criteria:

  • Officially TB Free (OTF) herds in the Low Risk Area (LRA) of England or the Low TB Area (LTBA) of Wales
  • Herds that have been in existence for eight years or more
  • A minimum of three continuous years free from TB (OTF status) with a routine Single Intradermal Comparative Cervical Tuberculin (SICCT) test having been completed within three calendar years of Day -7
  • Not in a current radial or contiguous TB testing regime
  • Not in an active TB hotspot (as defined by APHA)
  • Not having purchased cattle from a higher TB risk area in the last 12 months (of Day -7)
  • No scheduled statutory TB test during the proposed study period (Day -7 to Day 91)

Reintroduction of beavers in Wales survey

Legal beaver releases in Wales took place in Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve in Powys in 2021 when Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust applied and gained a licence to release six beavers. No applications exist at the moment, but Natural Resources Wales (NRW) say they are expecting one.

Supporters of reintroduction claim that they can help tackle important issues like flooding, creation of new habitats and are an important part of that process as environmental engineers.

Farmers and fishermen point to their negative effects on the landscape, damage to river banks, loss of productive land through flooding and a general concern over long term management and control of beaver populations, amongst other things.

NRW seek a clearer position on beaver reintroduction in Wales as part of a review and have asked Exeter University to conduct a public survey to gauge public opinion on beaver release and what are suitable locations. 

The survey is likely to form part of the review and impact  on the outcome of future licence applications for release.

The anonymous survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes complete. To have your say follow the this link

FUW view regarding the issue of beavers in Wales

The FUW is opposed to the reintroduction of beavers given the evidence of the damage they can directly and indirectly cause to farmland, crops and infrastructure, as well as the wider impacts that may occur for certain rural areas - for example, flooding of households, roads and similar infrastructure, including rendering roads impassable for emergency vehicles in areas with poor road infrastructure.

However, given the protection of beavers (and the presumption against lethal control) in England; the experience in other countries in terms of the spread of beavers, and the risk that legal and/or illegal beaver reintroduction will take place in Wales in spite of concerns, a sensible Welsh framework and strategy should be put in place to deal with:

1. Problems caused by existing populations

2. Problems caused by the spread of beavers into new territories

3. Proposed beaver reintroductions under licence

4. Illegal introductions

In terms of ensuring problems caused by beavers can be immediately addressed, Wales should not grant beavers protected status, as this would obstruct actions that need to take place - often urgently - to prevent significant damage or even potential risk to lives.

The FUW supports working with other bodies which share the Union’s concerns, in order to ensure a national strategy and framework is put in place that prevents problems from arising in the first place, and ensures approaches are in place to manage impacts should these arise, based on the experiences across Europe and more recently in the UK.

The creation of such a strategy and any ongoing management should be governed by a body that includes representatives of all interested parties, including farming organisations, the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), Traffic Wales and Network Rail. Such a body should be adequately resourced and prepared to balance the desires of those who wish to see beavers reintroduced with the interests of other species and Welsh habitats, property and infrastructure owners and managers and all relevant stakeholders.

Should beaver reintroduction be allowed by the authorities, those responsible for the release should be legally responsible for negating all adverse impacts, including consequential financial losses and costs for farmers and others, as well as the costs of any control/dam removal etc.

FUW and UK Fuels - New business partnership to benefit Union members

As part of the FUW Union membership, we can now offer exclusive fuel discounts, saving you at least 4 pence per litre at the fuel pump. This is thanks to a new business partnership we have secured on your behalf with UK fuels.

Fuel cards for UK Fuels, Shell, Esso, BP, and Texaco are now available from UK Fuels for all FUW members, with a guaranteed discount to help you better manage your fuel spend.

The benefits of using the fuel cards include:

  • Guaranteed discount of 4p per litre off the pump price for standard diesel.
  • Access to more than 3,700 sites on the UK Fuels network.
  • No contract, account charges or card charges.
  • Online account management using the Velocity app and website.
  • Plan your journeys with e-route on your smartphone or SatNav.
  • Unleaded will be charged at the pump price.
  • Diesel purchased at supermarket fuel stations will be charged at the pump price.

For more information and to sign-up for your fuel card, visit: