Agricultural Policy

Bird Housing Restrictions in Wales to be Lifted

The Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales, Dr Richard Irvine has announced plans to lift the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone housing measures for poultry and captive birds in England and Wales from 00:01 on Tuesday 18th April 2023. However, the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone mandatory biosecurity measures will remain in place for all birds.

Since September 2022, there have been 7 confirmed cases of  Avian influenza in Wales, with a few of the many cases confirmed in England affecting Wales where disease Protection and Surveillance zones overlapped borders into Wales. 

A UK wide inventory held by Animal and Plant Health Agency reports a total of two confirmed cases of Avian Influenza in wild birds from Wales in 2023, both occurring in Common Buzzard from Gwynedd and Powys areas.

FUW Disease Focus: Maedi Visna

Maedi Visna (MV) is one of the many iceberg diseases in sheep and is named after the Icelandic for clinical signs relating to pneumonia and wasting. In the last 3 to 5 years, there has been an overall increasing trend for chronic viral infections in sheep, and this includes infections with the MV virus.  Whilst it remains unclear if this trend is due to increases in sheep movements, stocking rates or general awareness and testing for such diseases, the FUW has been made aware of recent cases of MV amongst its membership.

MV is a very infectious - but slow developing - condition that causes wasting, pneumonia, progressive paralysis, arthritis and chronic mastitis.  The virus has a long incubation period and the virus can spread for years before the onset of clinical signs in the flock.  Alongside a lengthy incubation period, MV is a highly infectious disease with no vaccine and no cure. There is no compensation for stock culled due to MV. 

MV is transmitted by direct contact with respiratory secretions or through the ingestion of milk from an infected sheep or goat. The risk of transmission of the MV virus via artificial insemination is likely to be very low. 

Area Statement Review

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) are conducting a review of Area Statements across Wales. NRW are seeking views to ensure Area Statements are updated and improved through gathering new evidence, putting forward new ideas and creating further opportunities. 

 Each Area Statement outlines the key challenges facing that particular locality, what can be done to meet those challenges, and how to better manage Wales’ natural resources for the benefit of future generations.

Area Statements were published three years ago and there have been challenges for individuals and communities since including a global pandemic and cost of living crisis.

Hybu Cig Cymru International Scholarship

Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has opened its 2023 travel scholarship for applications.

 Applications are open to anyone above the age of 18 working in the red meat sector in Wales. Successful applicants will be awarded with a Scholarship worth £4,000 to study an aspect of red meat production or processing anywhere in the world.

Scholars can choose to study any topic within the red meat supply chain, providing benefit to themselves as individuals and the wider industry also. Study trips can last up to six weeks and scholars are expected to write a scholarship report and share their findings with the wider industry upon their return.

Circular Agricultural Practices workshops

Workshops around Circular Agricultural Practices are being coordinated by Prifysgol Bangor for DEFRA.

The workshops are looking for participants who are involved in or interested in Circular Agricultural practices. These include practices such as AD, mixed crop-livestock farming, sharing machinery and other resources, renewable energy generation, self-sufficient grass based systems or alternative feed ingredients.  

The workshops will provide a chance to share opinions and experiences of circularity in agriculture, whilst also inviting a collective discussion on the barriers, opportunities, and routes to support the adoption of some specific circular practices. The outputs of this workshop will contribute towards identifying and developing ways to support farmers to move towards more circular practices.