Agricultural Policy

News in Brief January 2023

Increased NZ Lamb imports affect UK Lamb trade

An increase in New Zealand frozen lamb imports of 11% for 2022 has led to UK lamb prices falling to a two month low. The drop in prices has come at a time where lambs are mostly fattened on concentrates which have increased sharply in price by around 30% in the past year.

Coupled with a tougher retail environment due to the cost of living crisis, the drop in both live and deadweight prices as well as store lamb prices at a time when prices historically increased is causing concern within the sheep sector.

Sheep Annual Inventory Form

Sheep and goat keepers in Wales are being reminded to submit their annual inventory form by 1st February 2023 to avoid potential penalties.

Keepers are legally required to complete an Annual Inventory under the Sheep and Goats (Records, Identification and Movements) (Wales) Order 2015. 

The number of sheep recorded should include breeding sheep, rams, ram lambs, store and finished lambs, cull ewes/rams and other sheep. Farmers must also record the number of sheep and goats on the holding on the designated date in the on-farm ‘Flock Record’. 

Free BVD Testing Ends

The free BVD screening and PI hunts offered through the voluntary Gwaredu BVD programme ended on the 31st december 2022.  Over 9300 (85%) of cattle farms in Wales participated in this 5 year programme.

From the 1st of January 2023, all farmers will have to pay their vets for any BVD testing undertaken. The costs will depend on individual vet practices. The FUW recommends that members continue to screen their herds and, where necessary, conduct a PI hunt and remove any PI animals found in order to maintain any previous inroads made in tackling this significant and costly disease.

Vets can continue to use the Gwaredu BVD submission form where cattle keepers with antibody negative herds wish to receive their Gwaredu BVD certificate.

Farmers needed to take part in Duckweed research

Aberystwyth University is seeking farmers to take part in research on growing Duckweed in slurry and wastewater stores. Duckweed is among the fastest growing plants and is rich in protein and it is hoped could provide a valuable feed source on farms while also ‘cleaning’ waste water and slurry.

The research which is in partnership with Cork University has so far been conducted in laboratories and in tanks on land at Aberystwyth University.

Farmers interested in being part of the Brainwaves (Bilateral Regional Accord between Ireland and Wales for Agricultural Valorisation and Environmental Sustainability) project should visit the brainwaves website at:

Pembrokeshire National Park Greening Agriculture Grant

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) are looking for partners within the Dairy industry to work with on expanding their Greening Agriculture Pilot. 

Greening Agriculture is a Carbon based project looking at how emissions can be offset and carbon can be sequestered in the land and hedgerows, working with the dairy industry in particular.  

Up to 80% funding is available to support new energy saving advancements, advancements which could include renewable energy, energy storage, rainwater harvesting. Ice bank and heat exchanger systems and an abundance of other methods that will help dairy farms lower or offset their carbon emissions.