Agricultural Policy

Changes to Cross Compliance rules for 2022

The vast majority of Cross Compliance rules continue to apply as in 2021. The Welsh Government has updated the fact sheets and associated sections of the Verifiable Standards for 2022 to reflect changes in requirements, good practice and to clarify wording:

SMR 4: food and feed law. Minor changes to clarify wording of requirements.
SMR 6: pig identification and registration. New guidance on tagging pigs for export included. Contact details updated.
SMR 7: cattle identification and registration. New guidance on tagging cattle for export included.
SMR 8: sheep and goat identification. New guidance on tagging sheep and goats for export included. Requirement to retain movement documents updated.
SMR 10: restrictions on the use of Plant Protection Products (PPP). Clarification of PPP definition and retained EC provisions. Contact details updated.
GAEC 6: maintenance of soil and organic matter. Link to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) guidance updated.

All of the associated documents can be found here:

HCC publishes latest Little Book of Meat Facts

Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has published its latest edition of the ‘Little Book of Meat Facts’.

The annual publication includes general information and statistics on Welsh agriculture with specific sections on cattle, sheep and pigs from the past 12 months - an extraordinary year for the UK red meat industry.

The Little Book of Meat Facts can be accessed here:

HCC’s monthly market bulletins can be found here:

RABI launches new support services in response to Big Farming Survey

The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) has launched two new support services in response to the results of the Big Farming Survey which revealed that 36% of the farming community are probably or possibly depressed.

In-person counselling for farming people and farming-focussed mental health training for the wider agricultural sector are new services which aim to provide early mental health support.

The free, confidential in-person counselling provides:

  • Access to a professional counsellor within 24 hours of a call
  • No need for a clinical referral
  • Support delivered by trained professionals who understand the pressures and challenges of farming
  • Counselling available face-to-face, by telephone or video conferencing

RABI hopes that the farming-focussed mental health training will provide a platform for individuals within the sector to talk about their experiences and build confidence to have these conversations with others.

Both services are being delivered in partnership with Red Umbrella, a not-for-profit specialist provider of accredited mental health counselling, mental health training and aftercare support.

Visit for further information or for support call RABI’s 24/7 helpline on 0800 188 4444.

HCC relaunches travel scholarship programme

Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has relaunched its Travel Scholarship programme for anyone who is employed on a full-time basis within the red meat sector.

Those successful will spend up to six weeks studying elements of the beef, sheep or pork sectors in a country of their choice. The project must demonstrate that it can make an ongoing contribution to the industry.

To apply, individuals must complete the application form on the HCC website before 11th February 2022.

If successful, the Scholar will be awarded with up to £3,000 towards their trip. In return, they will be expected to report back on their findings to HCC and be willing to share their new knowledge with the industry by undertaking presentations to farmer groups.



Complete this survey on parasitic disease control on UK cattle farms

Grisial Roberts, a PHD student with the Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences at the University of Liverpool, is conducting a study into the prevalence of parasitic diseases in grazing cattle across the UK and the current control methods used.

UK farmers who graze cattle are encouraged to complete the anonymous survey following the link below. Participants who do so will have a chance of winning an iPad and/or a 12 month subscription to the NADIS online parasite control planner.