Agricultural Policy

RHWG survey results reveal priority livestock diseases

The Ruminant Health and Welfare Group (RHWG) has recently published the results of its UK wide survey of farmers, stock people and vets.

The survey, which ran between November and December 2020, received a total of 662 responses, 76% of whom were farmers and 34% professionals including vets.

The top 5 disease priorities in sheep were footrot and CODD, both of which scored high in all regions, scab due to production and welfare issues, liver fluke particularly in North and Less Favoured Areas, and fly strike due to animal welfare issues with farmers scoring it higher than vets as it can be treated on farm.

For cattle, digital dermatitis was scored high by farmers and vets, BVD was scored higher in England, johne’s disease had a high impact in all regions, liver fluke was a particular concern of beef farmers, and viral pneumonia.

The findings of this survey will now be used to prioritise the work of the RHWG across the devolved nations.

The full report can be found here:

Emergency authorisation for asulam to control bracken approved

The emergency authorisation to use asulam to control bracken was approved on 10th June by the relevant bodies for the 2021 season.

Bracken (Pteridium aquilinium) is a perennial plant that has an impressive invasive ability to spread through rhizomes under the ground, such that increases in land cover of around 3% per annum are not uncommon. Estimates of bracken ground cover vary between 900km2 (4.3%) and 1200km2 (5.3%) of Wales’ land mass.

Those planning to apply asulam products for bracken control this year must study the approval documents carefully.

Key points:

  • Aerial application is approved subject to a 90m wide no-spray buffer zone against surface water bodies.
  • Ground-based application is authorised but restricted to conservation areas only, and the use in these areas must be under the direction of the relevant conservation body. See the full details in the Authorisation document.
  • Livestock must be removed from areas to be treated and must not be allowed to return until at least 1 month after treatment.

Key dates:

#Farm24 returns to showcase British farming

The Farmers Guardian #Farm24 campaign, sponsored by Morrisons, has returned for 2021 to provide an opportunity for farmers and the public to celebrate British farming and highlight how farming serves the nation.

In 2020, #Farm24 reached more than 26 million people. This year, the aim is to reach even more people through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok from 5am on 5th August to 5am on 6th August.

To get involved with #Farm24, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Download and print your favourite pledge card

Pledge Card 1
Pledge Card 2
Pledge Card 3

Step 2: Take a photo, video, or even a TikTok with it - be as creative as you like! You could take your pledge with your favourite British food or your favourite farm animal!

Step 3: Share it on social media using #Farm24

Step 4: Tag Farmers Guardian - @FarmersGuardian and @Morrisons

Step 5: Nominate friends and family and get them involved too

Farming Connect air quality interactive tool gone live

Farming Connect has recently launched its new interactive air quality tool online here: The tool provides advice on the actions a typical Welsh farm can take to improve air quality and the subsequent benefits to the business.

The tool covers the following subtopics:

  • Air treatment and muck drying
  • Regulatr scraping
  • Switching from straight urea fertiliser
  • Extending the growing season
  • Precision slurry spreading
  • Wasing the collection yard
  • Efficient use of protein in the diet
  • Covering the slurry store

It also provides further information on how to access Farming Connect services relating to the topic and relevant Rural Development Programme grants.

Farming Connect Agri Academy applications now open

The Farming Connect Agri Academy 2021 is now open for applications and will close on 30th June.

The goal of the Agri Academy is to support and inspire the next generation of farming and forester entrepreneurs in Wales through its Business and Innovation and Junior programmes.

The Business and Innovation programme is for those passionate about farming, about Wales and about their future. The Junior programme is jointly collaborated with Wales YFC for those between 16 and 19 wanting to pursue a rewarding career in the food and farming industry.

For full details, calendar dates and application forms, please visit the Farming Connect website: