Agricultural Policy

Update from the Ruminant Health and Welfare Group

The cattle and sheep health and welfare groups have merged to form the new Ruminant Health and Welfare Group (RHWG) to provide one voice for the health and welfare of ruminants in the UK and to include goats and deer in the future.

The group first met in September 2020 with Ms Kate Hovers, veterinary surgeon based in Mid Wales, representing the FUW.

Whilst the group includes numerous industry Stakeholders, it will maintain as an independent body focussing on maintaining and improving ruminant health and welfare with a focus on tackling endemic diseases.

Alongside the bi-monthly meetings of the group, Wales hosted the first ‘four nations’ meeting which focussed on the work done in Wales in active health planning.

The group has recently discussed the proposals for rearing dairy bull calves and a new device called Numnuts. Numnuts is a device licenced for use in Australia for the castration and tailing of lambs and calves which involves a controlled injection of local anaesthetic before applying the rubber ring.

Currently, the use of this device is prohibited in the UK as there are no licenses available for the use of local anaesthetic in sheep, however, the RHW group has recently written to the
Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) to request for such a licence to be made available.

Please find more information on the RHWG website and raise any particular diseases or animal health and welfare concerns with your local FUW Animal Health and Welfare Committee delegate.

HCC Hill Ram Scheme in search for commercial flocks

Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales Hill Ram Scheme is searching for commercial hill flocks in Wales to join the genetic improvement scheme that aims to compare the performance of two rams on a selected group of monitored hill ewes.

The scheme enables farmers to compare two rams by monitoring the performance of their lambs and ewes which can allow them to select for the best genetics for their flock in the future.

The farmers and their flocks will receive support through the Hill Ram Scheme team at relevant times and will receive training to assist with the work and activity required for the recording.

More information on the Hill Ram Scheme and the expression of interest form can be found here:

The current expression of interest window closes on 21st May 2021.

Provide your views on the needs of the veterinary profession in Wales

Aberystwyth University will be accepting its first undergraduate students to the new Veterinary School in September 2021.

With support from the Royal Veterinary College, Aberystwyth University has invested huge resources in its contribution to the veterinary and agri-food sectors in Wales.

Aberystwyth University would like to know your views on how the new School can meet the needs of the veterinary profession in Wales, such as:

  • What post-graduate training should they offer?
  • How about CPD, clinical training or conferences?
  • Should they also train veterinary nurses, physiotherapists and/or managers?

To learn more about the Veterinary School, please visit or email Darrel Abernethy, Head & Chair of Aberystwyth Veterinary School on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

AHDB Spring Planting and Variety Survey 2021

The AHDB Spring Planting and Variety Survey provides the earliest view of the area of cereals and oilseed rape intended for harvest in 2021 in Great Britain. The survey aims to assess the varietal composition of the wheat, barley, oats and oilseed rape crops in Great Britain which can assist in the marketing decsisions made by the growers.

To provide the area harvested in 2020 and interested harvest area for 2021, together with the variety for each crop listed, please visit the AHDB online portal.

The results of the survey will be made available online at in July, and more detailed analysis will be available on the AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds market pages.

Expression of Interest Window Dates May 2021

Scheme Summary Window Close
Farming Connect What’s On

As a result of the pandemic, Farming Connect has taken the decision to postpone all open events and one-to-many events until further notice. They are conducting a number of activities digitally or over the phone where possible.

More information can be found here:

Free & Confidential Pesticide Disposal Scheme 2021

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water is once again running their free and confidential pesticide disposal scheme in 2021.

This scheme is part of the PestSmart project and offers farmers, growers, gamekeepers, foresters, and other land managers the opportunity to safely dispose of any unwanted, out of date or unlicensed pesticides and herbicides for free.

Click here to register.

 31 May 2021
Farming Connect Training Window

The next funding application window for training will open on Monday, 3 May until Friday, 25 June 2021.

Those registering for the first time during the above skills window in order to apply for a funded training course or need to update their account details, please contact Farming Connect before 17:00 Monday 21 June 2021.

More information can be found here.

 3 May - 25 June 2021
Farm Business Grant - Yard Coverings

The second round of the Farm Business Grant - Yard Coverings scheme opened on 18th May and will close on 25th June 2021.

The Farm Business Grant Yard Coverings scheme seeks to support farmers to improve their current infrastructure for yard coverings - covering feeding areas, slurry pits, silage stores etc - where rainwater can be separated.

Local FUW County Executive Officers will be able to explain the scheme requirements to members. FUW staff will not be able to complete the Expression of Interest on behalf of members due to the technical requirements.

Further information and guidance is available on the Welsh Government website.

18 May - 25 June 2021
Glastir Woodland Restoration  

The 9th Expression of Interest window is now open for the Glastir Woodland Restoration scheme.

GWR provides capital works for restocking, fencing and associated operations on sites containing larch and up to 50% non-larch species.

Applicants will have to submit their supporting felling licence or felling licence application when expressing an interest. Welsh Government will not consider any documents that were submitted in a previous GWR window.

See here for further information and to express an interest.

18 May - 25 June 2021
Glastir Small Grants Landscape and Pollinators  

The current window of the Glastir Small Grants Landscape and Pollinators scheme opened on 18th May and will close on 25th June 2021.

The is a programme of capital works available to farming businesses across Wales to carry out projects that will help to improve and maintain traditional landscape features, and provide habitat linkage for pollinating insects.

Further information can be found on the Welsh Government website.

18 May - 25 June 2021
Farming Connect ICT Programme  Farming Connect is now offering ICT training courses for beginners and intermediate learners.

One-to-one sessions and online workshops are also available on integrating ICT technology into your farm business

To book, please contact Lantra on 01982 552646 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Further information can be found here.
Nuffield Farming Scholarships Applications for the 2021 Nuffield Farming Scholarships are now open.

Successful applicants tend to be from those working in farming, food or horticulture and are provided a substantial bursary to fund travel to study their chosen topic.

Further information and details on how to apply can be found here:
31 July 2021