Agricultural Policy

DPJ Foundation Coastal Path Challenge

The DPJ Foundation, with help from Wales prop and farmer Wyn Jones, recently launched a new challenge to combine physical activity and rural mental health.

The Wales Coastal Path Challenge is open to individuals and teams (up to four) to run or walk the length of the Wales Coast Path - a total of 870 miles - within three months. The challenge will run from 26th April until 18th July, which would have been the eve of the 2021 Royal Welsh Show.

The DPJ Foundation is the leading mental health charity working with the agricultural community in Wales. Established in July 2016 following the suicide of Daniel Picton Jones, the DPJ Foundation raises awareness of mental health in rural communities and provides support when it is needed most.

“Share the Load” the DPJ Foundation’s confidential 24-hour telephone (0800 587 4262) and text (07860 048 799) line provides callers with access to Samaritans trained volunteers who will listen without judgement and who can help. Through Share the Load, callers can also get access to qualified counsellors, free of charge, within a week of their call to the service.

Continuing from the hugely successful #RUN1000 challenge earlier this year which saw 567 people in Wales help raise a total of more than £45,000 for UK rural mental health charities, this challenge will help people meet the 5 Ways to Wellbeing set out by the NHS:

  1. Connect with other people
  2. Be physically active
  3. Learn new skills
  4. Give to others
  5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)

For more information on the DPJ Foundation, please visit:
To join the challenge please visit:


Conservation Grazing on Grassland webinars

Magnificent Meadows Cymru, in collaboration with PONT, is running a series of three webinars about Conservation Grazing on Grassland.

The series is aimed at landowners, smallholders, farmers and graziers across Wales who are interested in learning more about conservation grazing.

The first (see below) webinar will introduce conservation grazing and its practicalities, the second (13th May) will talk about advantages of using different animal breeds and the third (27th May) will look at grazing on different grassland habitat types.

Part 1 - Conservation grazing on grassland - Introduction to conservation grazing and its practicalities
Date & time: 29th April 2021, 6-7.30pm
Lead speaker: Hilary Kehoe
More details on the session and to register your interest:

Free resistance testing to rodenticides in rats and mice

Pest controllers, farmers and gamekeepers are being asked to help create a more accurate picture of resistance to rodenticides in rats and mice as part of the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) testing programme in exchange for a free indiciation of their location’s status.

This is being offered following the latest surveillance by the CRRU which found that three-quarters of rats analysed carried a resistance gene and that one in five had two different genes, known as hybrid-resistance.

The testing involves collecting 2-3cm tail ends from freshly deceased rats or mice and sending by post in free packaging kits which are available with instructions here.

Without collecting such evidence, there could be further restrictions on the use of rodenticides if they continue to be used where they are ineffective or unnecessary.

British Farming Awards 2021

For its ninth year, the British Farming Awards will return in 2021 to celebrate the diversity, innovation and adaptability of farmers across all sectors.

The event - organised by AgriBriefing with the support of Morrisons - will reward farmers in areas such as family farms, students and new entrants alongside its core sectors namely dairy, beef, sheep, arable and machinery.

New to the 2021 event includes an award for Sustainability Innovator of the Year to recognise farmers that are farming with the environment and working to safeguard the future of farming for the next generation.

The awards also welcome nominations from businesses that have introduced new ways of working, whether through adopting new technologies, finding new markets or educating the general public on UK agriculture.

The closing date for entries is 25th June 2021. Click to enter or to nominate.

Click here for more information.

Expression of Interest Window Dates April 2021

Scheme Summary Window Close
Farming Connect What’s On

As a result of the pandemic, Farming Connect has taken the decision to postpone all open events and one-to-many events until further notice. They are conducting a number of activities digitally or over the phone where possible.

More information can be found here:

Transfer of BPS Entitlements 2021

Farmers can now transfer their BPS Entitlements by sale, lease or via inheritance.

This must be completed via RPW Online. Please note that the entitlement values displayed on your account are subject to change.

15 May 2021
Free & Confidential Pesticide Disposal Scheme 2021

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water is once again running their free and confidential pesticide disposal scheme in 2021.

This scheme is part of the PestSmart project and offers farmers, growers, gamekeepers, foresters, and other land managers the opportunity to safely dispose of any unwanted, out of date or unlicensed pesticides and herbicides for free.

Click here to register.

 31 May 2021
Farming Connect Training Window

The next funding application window for training will open on Monday, 3 May until Friday, 25 June 2021.

Those registering for the first time during the above skills window in order to apply for a funded training course or need to update their account details, please contact Farming Connect before 17:00 Monday 21 June 2021.

More information can be found here.

 3 May - 25 June 2021
Nuffield Farming Scholarships Applications for the 2021 Nuffield Farming Scholarships are now open.

Successful applicants tend to be from those working in farming, food or horticulture and are provided a substantial bursary to fund travel to study their chosen topic.

Further information and details on how to apply can be found here:
31 July 2021