Agricultural Policy

New Johne’s Disease test showing positive results

Queen’s University in Belfast has developed a new Johne’s Disease test which promises to be more rapid and sensitive in detecting the infectious agent (MAP) of the disease.

Importantly, the new test can detect live infectious agents of the disease rather than just the antibodies that fight against MAP as are detected by the currently used milk-ELISA test.

Results have shown that the new test was able to detect more infected animals by milk testing in dairy cattle which can also be applied to faeces and blood from other livestock.

It is hoped that this new test will provide a platform for more accurate and rapid results for vets and farmers to make more accurate decisions for the control of Johne's within herds.

The new test will now be applied at farm level for the next stage of development.

Wales Farming Conference goes virtual for 2021

Farming Connect is hosting the Wales Farming Conference this year albeit in a virtual setting between 1st and 5th February.

A series of 20 minute online presentations are said to motivate anyone in the farming industry on both a personal and business level ahead of 2021 despite the recent distribution caused as a result of Brexit.

Speakers will include Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths and Ollie Ollerton, former special forces operative.

All individuals will need to register after which they can tune in at any time between the 1st and 5th February on their phone, tablet or computer. Please visit the Farming Connect website at to register and receive a link to access all conference sessions.

Alternatively, call the Farming Connect Service Centre on 08456 000813

Menter Moch Cymru virtual conference

Pig farmers across Wales are being invited to attend the Menter Moch Cymru virtual conference for free access to specialist advice on Wednesday 27th January 2021.

The day-long conference will include a series of webinars held by experts in herd management, meat production, marketing and more, in addition to topic-specific one-to-one sessions.

The agenda includes topics such as the influence of Brexit on the domestic market, the impact of African Swine Fever and Covid-19, with some panelists turning to virtual farm tours to demonstrate their systems.

For further information and to book in advance, visit or call 07494 478652.

Surveys and questionnaires January 2021

i) Survey on the Agricultural Minimum Wage Legislation in Wales

The independent Agricultural Advisory Panel advises Welsh Ministers on the agricultural minimum wage and terms and conditions of employment for workers in agriculture, horticulture and forestry sectors.

The Agricultural Minimum Wage is in its fifth year and it is important to ensure it continues to meet the needs of an ever changing industry. To this end ADAS has been commissioned by the Welsh Government to carry out a survey on agricultural employment in Wales.

Your views and experiences are important both as an employer and employee, in order to inform the work of the Agricultural Advisory Panel and development of Welsh Government policies.

You can either complete the online survey here

Or follow the link to arrange an appointment to undertake a telephone interview with ADAS. The survey will close on 31 January 2020.

All information you provide will be treated as confidential. No personal information will be shared with Welsh Government or any other party. Aggregated data will be provided to Welsh Government and the Agricultural Advisory Panel to help inform their work.


ii) Aberystwyth University research project on Neospora caninum transmission from canine fouling

Neosporosis is a major disease caused by the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum, an infectious disease that is one of the most frequently diagnosed causes of cattle abortion worldwide. The domestic dog has been proven to be a key contributor in the epidemiology of Neosporosis, releasing oocysts in faeces that are crucial in the spread of the disease.

Aberystwyth University is currently running a project to explore N. caninum infection. Within this research the prevalence of N. caninum oocysts in fouled dog faeces will be explored across Wales on public footpaths. They are looking for farms willing to participate in this project that could help identify the regions at greatest risk for disease, and for cattle farms that have a public footpath running alongside or through the premises and have a history of canine fouling. They are interested in farms with a history of Neosporosis as well as those that do not consider Neosporosis as an issue. In addition, they aim to survey farm dogs present on the selected farms.

This research gives Aberystwyth University an opportunity to bolster the understanding of a disease that causes vast economical losses to farmers. If you are interested in participating and would like further information please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; any information you will share during this project will be treated as strictly confidential and all data will be summarised so farms won’t be individually identifiable.


iii) ‘The Big Farming Survey’ – RABI to deliver insight into the issues impacting farming people

On 11th January 2021, RABI launched the largest ever research project across Wales and England relating to the wellbeing of farming people. This wide-ranging survey will consider for the first time the relationship between physical health, mental wellbeing and the health of farm businesses.

With mounting external pressures, this vital research will provide the most comprehensive overview of the farming community. It will identify the specific challenges that a generation of farming people face, as well as highlighting how these impact daily life.

The FUW is supporting this important initiative and encourages everyone to get involved
in this research and reach the target of 26,000 survey responses.

Goals of the #BigFarmingSurvey

  • To understand the wellbeing of a farming generation
  • To understand the health of our farmers and their businesses
  • To gain insights into external impacts and pressures
  • To shape future support and services

Who can take part: Farmers, farm workers, their spouses and adult-aged children
When: 11th January - 31st March 2021
Print: Request a printed copy from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please set aside 15 minutes to take part by responding to the printed survey or
completing the online form in Welsh or English.

iv) BeefQ Survey on the perception of beef eating quality

The BeefQ beef eating quality project is entering its consultation phase and will be launching a survey on 25th January with the aim to gather an understanding of the wider beef industry’s current perception of beef eating quality and the desire for a shift from current methods of valuing beef to one based on predicted eating quality, how this could be implemented in practice, and the barriers in doing so.

To accompany the survey, BeefQ will be holding two separate webinars:

  • Monday 25th January at 7.30 pm aimed at Welsh beef food industry (ZOOM Webinar ID – 983 0239 8129/Webinar Passcode 342227)
  • Wednesday 27th January at 7.30 aimed at Welsh beef farming industry (ZOOM Webinar ID – 994 4263 4872/Webinar Passcode 782052)

The webinars will provide an opportunity to learn about the BeefQ work to date, consider the impacts and challenges of implementing a beef eating prediction system followed by a Q&A session.

The online survey will be live on the BeefQ website until the end of March 2021:


v) Curlew conservation in Wales - have your say

The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) has produced a survey to capture views on the importance of saving Curlews in Wales.

The Curlew population in Wales is believed to be down to an estimated 400 remaining pairs and could be extinct as a breeding population in Wales by 2033.

Responses to the survey will be used to demonstrate to Welsh Government and NRW how individuals believe Curlews should be managed and saved.

The survey can be accessed here and closes on 12th February.

vi) Have your say in the 2021 National BVD Survey

The sixth National BVD survey is now live. Since it began, BVD eradication schemes have been introduced in all parts of the UK and testing and surveillance has been improved.

The survey gathers information from across the UK and all farming systems to provide a snapshot of what cattle keepers are doing on farm to control and eradicate BVD.

Wales continues to make good progress with the Gwaredu BVD eradication programme with the expectation for a consultation on legislation in the near future.

The survey can be accessed here:

The survey closes on 31st January and 10 entrants will be selected to win a Garmin Forerunner 45 smart watch.

vii) Contribute to research on African Swine Fever

Ms Jade Tubb, a BSc student studying microbiology at the University of Wolverhampton, has produced an infographic to raise awareness of African Swine Fever among pig farmers and is conducting research to evaluate how effective the infographic is at conveying this information.

Pig farmers are being asked to complete a short questionnaire to provide their feedback. All responses will be kept confidential.

For a copy of the infographic, further information and to respond to the questionnaire, please contact Jade Tubb via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Expression of Interest Window Dates January 2021

Scheme Summary Window Close
Sheep and Goat Annual Inventory 2021

Sheep and goat keepers in Wales must submit their annual inventory form by 1st February to avoid potential penalties.

The form can be submitted by either logging onto the EID Cymru website (, or by returning the paper form in the post.

If you require any assistance, contact the EIDCymru service helpline 01970 636959, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or your local FUW county office.

1 February 2021
Glastir Small Grants: Carbon

Glastir Small Grants: Carbon is a programme of capital works available to farming businesses to carry out projects which promote carbon sequestration.

A project will include:
The main capital work which addresses the theme objectives (i.e. new hedge planting);
The supportive capital work which will allow for the main capital work to be undertaken (i.e. post and wire fencing)

Further information and guidance can be found here:
And here:

19 February 2021
Farming Connect training application window

The current funding application window for short training courses closes on Friday 26 February 2020.

Before applying for training, you must i) be registered with Farming Connect, ii) access the Business Wales (BOSS) website via Sign On Cymru at: and, iii) complete an online Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Those registering for the first time during the above skills window in order to apply for a funded training course or need to update their account details, please contact Farming Connect before 5pm on Monday 22 February 2020)

Further information can be found here.

Records of all Farming Connect training courses can be stored and updated via Storfa Sgiliau.

26 February 2021
Farming Connect What’s On

As a result of the pandemic, Farming Connect has taken the decision to postpone all open events and one-to-many events until further notice. They are conducting a number of activities digitally or over the phone where possible.

More information can be found here:

Sustainable Production Grant

The next SPG expression of interest window opens on 1st February and closes on 12th March 2021.

Further information and guidance will be available here prior to 1st February:

1 February - 12 March 2021
Transfer of BPS Entitlements 2021

Farmers can now transfer their BPS Entitlements by sale, lease or via inheritance.

This must be completed via RPW Online. Please note that the entitlement values displayed on your account are subject to change.

15 May 2021
Nuffield Farming Scholarships Applications for the 2021 Nuffield Farming Scholarships are now open.

Successful applicants tend to be from those working in farming, food or horticulture and are provided a substantial bursary to fund travel to study their chosen topic.

Further information and details on how to apply can be found here:
31 July 2021