Agricultural Policy

Dyfed-Powys Police warning of targeted fraud attacks

Dyfed-Powys Police is advising the farming community to be extremely wary of any suspicious calls, texts or emails as a scam specifically targeting the agricultural sector has been identified.

Information about the Single Farm Payments is publically available, meaning criminals are able to directly target victims making their approaches appear more convincing.

The scam communications will typically claim that fraud has been detected on the farmer’s bank account and that urgent action is required to safeguard funds.

The victim is then persuaded to divulge personal or financial information, or even to transfer money directly into a so-called ‘safe account’.

With some grants worth thousands of pounds, in past years fraudsters have stolen significant amounts of money from their victims.

The farming community is an attractive target at this time of year for fraud and the consequences of falling into the trap could be financially severe but also cause untold stress and anxiety. The FUW is therefore urging farmers to follow the advice below and to remain vigilant and to contact Action Fraud immediately on 0300 123 2040 if you’ve been a victim of fraud.

Be wary of:

FUW Anglesey Office holds webinar to discuss Ash Dieback

The FUW Anglesey Office held an ‘open to all members’ webinar on 19 November to discuss Ash Dieback including a presentation from Jacob Milner, Ash Dieback Coordinator for Anglesey County Council.

Ash dieback is expected to affect / kill over 90% of the Ash trees in the UK. To put it into context, the Dutch Elm Disease during the 90's killed around 80 billion Elm trees, whereas Ash dieback has the potential to infect two billion Ash trees.

This will affect FUW members and all farmers across the UK as it is the landowners responsibility to cut down dying / dangerous trees which are on a public highway, and therefore pose a risk to the public. This also includes public footpaths.

The council, under the 1980's Highway Act, can serve a 154 notice which gives the landowner a 1 month window to do the work. If this occurs, it is advised to respond immediately, even if it is not possible to get the work done within the month. It must be taken into account that contractors are expected to be very busy with ash dieback work, and have limited availability. If they do not hear back from the landowner, the Council has the right to have the work carried out and send the invoice.

They are considered dangerous to climb if above a class three (>50% leaf loss). In this situation a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) is recommended. It is important to emphasise that ash dieback can be very dangerous work. It is preferable to cut and trim the tree before it gets to a Class 3 danger level.

Kind reminder from Iechyd Da

Despite the increasing numbers of Covid-19 cases in Wales, Iechyd Da is emphasising to its clients their continual commitment to carry on delivering the veterinary services provided to the farming community.

To this end, they have reminded their vet practices of the importance of keeping the farming community and themselves safe by taking all the relevant precautions when on farm. They are therefore respectfully requesting that their farming clients also take all necessary measures and maintain 2 metre social distancing during visits where practically possible. Normally their vets would welcome any offer of refreshments but under current circumstances, please do not be offended if they have to decline.

Changes for Soil Association Organic producers from 1st January

The Soil Association has prepared a page of guidance in advance of significant changes for organic farmers, growers, manufacturers and traders who export to the EU from 1st January.

Exporting to the EU and NI from 1st January 2021

It is looking likely that the acceptance of organic products from GB into the EU will be based on the individual approval of UK certifiers under the European Commission regulation EC1235/2008 - which all UK certifiers currently have.

All operators along the UK supply chain will need to be issued certification by a certifier who currently holds the approval for the relevant product. Soil Association certification approval is valid until the end of 2023.

The UK will be expected to work to the current EU organic regulation EC834/2007 for a minimum of three years from 1st January 2021, despite the fact that the EU is moving to a new organic regulation in 2022.

Register to trade with the EU

FUW member exclusive webinars available to re-watch

The FUW has held a number of virtual seminars and webinars during 2020 due to the pandemic, including the All Wales Mental Health Conference and Land Use, Conservation & Cultural Clearances webinar.

Members can re-watch these recordings on the FUW website.

For a step-by-step guide to logging into the Member’s website to access these webinars, please click here.