Agricultural Policy

Horses must be microchipped ahead of 12 February 2021 deadline

The Equine Identification Regulations came into force in February 2019 which sets out requirements to identify horses, ponies, donkeys or related animals with a microchip and passport ahead of the 12 February 2021 deadline.

Welsh Government will be writing to all equine keepers outlining what to do in due course.

Please make arrangements with your vet to microchip your animals and to update the corresponding passports with the microchip numbers.

Please also get in touch with your local Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO) as there needs to be sufficient time to process and return the passports before the deadline.

Further information is available here.

Rodenticide resistance surveillance prompts wake up call

According to a 2019-2020 survey on rodenticide resistance, 74% of rats analysed carried a resistance gene and of the total studied, one-in-five had two different resistance genes in widespread locations including County Durham, Yorkshire, Manchester and Merseyside.

Although no rats in Wales were found to have double resistance genes, previous studies have found single resistance in parts of Wales.

This is the first time in the UK that ‘hybrid resistance’ has been found on a significant scale due to the interbreeding of rats carrying two different types of resistance genes.

The FUW is urging all pest controllers, farmers and gamekeepers to maximise their knowledge and to make responsible fact-based decisions on pest control measures in line with the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) Code of best practice:


Farming Connect holding webinars to compensate for no open events

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Farming Connect have postponed all open events until further notice. Instead, they will be holding a number of virtual webinars and activities for the time being.

More information and a full list of events can be found here on the Farming Connect website.

Research study on sit-astride ATVs

The University of Aberdeen, School of Psychology is inviting farmers to participate in a survey study designed to investigate thoughts and attitudes towards ATV riding and helmet wearing.

The survey includes questions about ATV regulations, your thoughts on ATV safety and the use of PPE such as helmets, and should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete.

Any farmer, farm worker or contractor over the age of 18 and who has experience of using ATVs for farming is welcome to participate.

To complete the survey and for more information, please click here.