Agricultural Policy

Are The Right Skills And Training Available For Your Agricultural Business?

The Regional Learning and Skills Partnership - Food and Land Management Cluster are running a questionnaire for businesses to put forward their comments on whether the required skills and training are available for employees within the sector.

The research will be used to inform the Regional Employment and Skills Plan which will be used by Welsh Government to allocate funding to further education and work-based learning providers.

The questionnaire is available here in Welsh and English.

Entries Now Open For This Year’s Farmers’ Weekly Awards

The 2020 Farmers’ Weekly awards are now open and taking entries to celebrate innovation, hard work and passion for British agriculture.

There are a total of 15 categories for farmers and companies - which include a new Environmental Champion of the Year award and the return of the Agricultural Student of the Year award.

Entries and nominations are open until 30th April 2020. The 2020 awards will take place on 1st October at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London.

For more information and to enter or nominate, please click here.

Expression of Interest Window Dates

Scheme Summary Window Close
HCC Hill Ram Scheme The second expression of interest window is now open for HCC’s Hill Ram Scheme.  The scheme offers the chance for Welsh hill farmers to improve performance recording with the use of DNA parentage technology to help improve flock performance.  There are currently 29 flocks across Wales participating in the scheme and HCC is now looking to recruit a further 20 to join the scheme.  Those interested should contact the HCC on 01970 625050.  The EOI form can be found here. 31 March 2020
Farming Connect Agri Academy The application window for the 2020 Agri Academy is now open.  The Academy provides training, mentoring and support in 3 sessions throughout the programme.  There are 2 separate elements, the Business and Innovation Programme, and the Junior Programme.  Follow here and select the programme you are interested in to find out more information, key dates and how to apply. 31 March 2020
Glastir Small Grants Claim Deadline The deadline to claim for Glastir Small Grants work is 31 March 2020.  By this date, all applicants must have completed the practical work, taken geo-tag photos and filled in the claims form.  Boundaries such as hedges and fences must be measures to ensure the claimant does not over-claim. 31 March 2020
Dŵr Cymru Pesticide Scheme Dŵr Cymru will be relaunching their free and confidential Pesticide Disposal Scheme for farmers, growers, gamekeepers, foresters and land managers to safely dispose of any wanted or out of date pesticides and herbicides.  See here for further information on how to register. Participants that took part in 2019 can take part again in 2020 and dispose of 30L/Kg of eligible products for free. Register between 1 - 31 March 2020
Farm Business Grant The 7th expression of interest window is now open. In order to be eligible, scheme members will have had to attend a previous Farming Connect event - ‘Farming for the Future’. To clarify, those who have received funding through the Sustainable Production Grant can also apply for funding through this EOI window of the Farm Business Grant.
Contact Farming Connect to book your place.
10 April 2020
BPS Transfer of Entitlements You can now transfer BPS entitlements through sale, lease or inheritance.  It must be accessed through the RPW online account.  The recipient of entitlements transferred by sale or lease must meet the Active Farmer requirements (see SAF Rules for details). 30 April 2020
Glastir Small Grants: Landscape and Pollinators Due to the recent flooding and wet weather, the deadline to claim for Glastir (Landscape and Pollinators) work has been extended until 31 May 2020.
Cross Compliance regulations do not permit hedgerow restoration works (coppicing, laying) to be completed after 31 March therefore must be completed beforehand however claims can be made up until 31 May via RPW Online.
All work must include ‘before’ and ‘after’ geotagged photographs.
31 May 2020
Glastir Woodland Restoration (GWR) The 8th Expression of Interest window is now open for the Glastir Woodland Restoration scheme.
GWR provides capital works for restocking, fencing and associated operations on sites containing larch and up to 50% non-larch species.
Applicants will have to submit their supporting felling licence or felling licence application when expressing an interest. Welsh Government will not consider any documents that were submitted in a previous GWR window.
See here for further information and to express an interest.
24 April 2020
Glastir Woodland Creation (GWC) The 9th Expression of Interest window is now open for the Glastir Woodland Creation scheme.
The scheme provides financial support for capital works including planting, fencing and in certain circumstances, annual maintenance and premium payments.
You must contact a registered planner to discuss your proposals and they must then complete and submit an EOI on your behalf.
The land put forward to be planted must be registered with the Rural Payment Wales Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) and be under your full management control.
See here for further information and to express an interest.
12 June 2020

Consultations Pending

i) Welsh Government Beyond Recycling - Circular Economy Strategy

Welsh Government is aiming to move towards a circular economy in Wales whereby waste is avoided, as much as possible is recycled and products stay in use for longer. From 1997 to 2017, Wales has transformed from a nation which recycled less than 5% of its municipal waste, to become an international leader that recycles 63%. Likewise, greenhouse gas emissions from waste reduced by 60% between 2001 and 2017.

The consultation looks to produce a strategy that will make Wales:

  • A world leader in recycling
  • Phase out single use plastic
  • Invest in clean technology for materials collection by introducing zero emission vehicles
  • Make more efficient use of our food working with businesses from farm to fork
  • Priorities the purchasing of wood, re-manufactured and recycled content
  • Enable communities to take collective action
  • Support all businesses in Wales to reduce their carbon footprint and become more resource efficient
  • And take full responsibility for our waste

Please follow click here to view the consultation document and associated documents which summarise the strategy. Deadline for responses is 3 April 2020.

ii) Welsh Government Code Of Practice For The Welfare Of Pigs

Welsh Government is running a consultation to give the industry, enforcement agencies, special interest groups and the public an opportunity to comment on the revised Code of Practice for the Welfare of Pigs.

The consultation only contains 2 key questions:

  1. Views on the effects that the Code of Practice for the Welfare of Pigs would have on the Welsh language, specifically on opportunities for people to use Welsh and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than English.
  2. Views on how the proposed Code of Practice for Pigs could be formulated or changed so as to have positive effects or increased positive effects on opportunities for people to use the Welsh language and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language.

There is a final question which asks for any other related issues which could relate to:

  • the style, layout and content of the Code
  • the information, advice and guidance contained

To view the consultation document, revised Code of Practice and to respond, please click here. Deadline for responses is 25 May 2020.

FUW Tells Commissioner that Regulations Must be Future Proofed

Earlier this month, the Farmers Union of Wales met with Future Generations Commissioner, Sophie Howe, in order to discuss how the aims of the Well-being of Future Generations Act could positively impact on both public procurement and other issues such as bovine TB regulation.

The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires public bodies in Wales to think about the long-term impact of their decisions, to work better with people, communities and each other, and to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change.

Under the Well-being of Future Generations Act, the Welsh Government is obligated to take account of the long-term impact of their decision making. Given that the current regulation pertaining to a bovine TB breakdown can lead to loss of stock, problems with cash flow, costs of housing and feeding additional stock, loss of business control and uncertainty over the future, there will inevitably be an impact on the emotional well-being of farming families and the long-term success of the business. However, the true impact is likely to have been underestimated.

The FUW’s very real concern is that policies which are not future-proofed will undoubtedly increase mental health issues and poverty among the farming community in Wales and this is in direct opposition to the obligations and aims of the Act.

Given that mental health is inextricably linked to farm business sustainability and solvency, we must fully understand the economic consequences of a bovine TB breakdown in order to future-proof farm businesses.