The rain luckily held off for the Wales YFC Sports Day on 19th June this year, where many of our talented members turned up to compete at Brecon Leisure Centre.
Starting at 10am, the morning consisted of the team competitions; Touch Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee, Ladies “Rush” Hockey and Men’s Dodgeball.
Carmarthenshire came first in the Men’s Dodgeball, where we were fortunate enough to have representatives from Rhondda Dragons Dodgeball Club to volunteer their time, kit and expertise. The competition was a great success, and although competitive, the atmosphere was an extremely fun one! Second place went to Gwent Federation, and third to Brecknock.
On the AstroTurf, the ladies “rush” hockey took place, with Brecknock winning first place with their fast and precise shots. Radnor came a close second, with Gwent following in third place.
The adrenaline-pumping Ultimate Frisbee went down well with our younger members, testing their agility and catching skills in a new and exciting competition. Brecknock reached the top, and Ceredigion achieved second, therefore both teams will be going forward representing Wales at the NFYFC Sports Day in July. Pembrokeshire achieved third place. That wasn’t the last we saw of Brecknock’s achievements, as their touch rugby team also came in first place, Carmarthenshire in Second and Pembrokeshire in third.