Don’t forget to check your RPW account - FUW reminds members

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is reminding those farmers that have Glastir contracts to check their Rural Payments Wales (RPW) accounts for notifications and offers of extensions to their contracts. 

“A letter would have been issued to all those where this is relevant in mid September giving notice, but the actual contracts for acceptance have been issued on various dates thereafter,” said FUW Meirionnydd County Executive Officer Huw Jones. 

The notifications relate to Glastir Advanced, Glastir Organic and Glastir Commons, where the contract comes to an end on 31 December 2020.   

“All those in this position should be offered an extension, and farmers  have 21 days from the date the contracts appear online to accept the offer. It is extremely important to check the content of these contracts so that they are correct, and it is imperative that this is done within the 21 days in order to avoid any risk of being unable to extend the contract,” he added. 

If any farmer wishes to obtain any advice or assistance, they can contact FUW County Offices throughout Wales.