FUW questions reasoning behind Welsh Government super consultation

Farmers from across Wales have expressed major concerns regarding the proposals made in the Welsh Government's "Taking Forward Wales’ Sustainable Management of Natural Resources" consultation, and the fact that such a large number of far-reaching proposals had been made in a single document without prior consultation or warning.

Attending the Farmers’ Union of Wales Grand Council, delegates questioned the reasoning behind the document and in order to properly ascertain the circumstances and reasoning which have led to such an unprecedented situation, Council Members proposed, and agreed unanimously, that a Freedom of Information request should be submitted requesting copies of all Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales correspondence relating to the consultation document, the proposals contained therein, the decision to incorporate these within a single document and the timing of the consultation.

Labour recognition of need for Brexit transition welcomed by FUW

The Labour party’s support for keeping the UK in the single market and customs union for a transitional period after leaving the EU has been welcomed by the Farmers’ Union of Wales.

Speaking at the Union’s September Council, FUW President Glyn Roberts said Labour were the latest of many bodies to support the Union’s longstanding view on the need for a safe Brexit transition period.

Dysynni valley flooding left productive farmland worthless

High water levels in drainage ditches in the Dysynni Valley and the afon Dysynni have resulted in farm land being taken out of production and has left much of it worthless.

Assisting farmers in getting the problem solved as a matter of urgency was the Meirionnydd branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales, who arranged an emergency site meeting with local MP Liz Saville Roberts.

Anglesey kids recognised for being busy bees

Anglesey School children have been "BEES"Y creating
pictures, designs and short stories all on the lives of bees
(l-r) Twm Williams, Erin Rowlands, Ela Edwards,
Arwen Pollock, Rebecca Williams, Lena Clode.

Children who have participated in the FUW Anglesey primary school competitions, which were sponsored by Katie Hayward of Felin Honeybees, were recognised for being busy bees at Anglesey Show.

Awards were presented to the winner of the year 0 to 2 category who designed a birthday card including a bee, year 3 to 4 who drew a picture of a garden including a bee and year 5 to 6 who were asked to write a short story entitled ‘The Busy Bee’.

FUW Anglesey CEO Heidi Williams said: “I would like to thank all the children who entered our competition and of course Felin Honeybees for sponsoring the rosettes. It was once again a roaring success and I congratulate the children for doing so well.”

Tegan Cairns is a winner in the young
livestock handlers class

Union officials also presented FUW rosettes to all young livestock handlers over the course of the show.

“We have been doing this for the past 10 years. It ensures that although a child might not have won a prize, they still get a rosette to take home,” said Heidi Williams.

FUW Carmarthen looks forward to food park open day

The Carmarthen branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is looking forward to an open day at Castell Howell Foods in Cross Hands, which aims to raise vital funds for the Carmarthenshire Royal Welsh Agricultural Society Appeal.

The first ever Open Day will take place on Saturday 16 September 2017 starting at 6.30pm, with tickets available from the FUW’s Carmarthen office (01267 237974).
