Farmers from Denbigh and Flintshire have met their local Assembly Members to talk about some of the major problems the new bovine TB zones will have on local farm business and stressed the urgent need for high resolution maps.
Eurwyn Roberts, FUW Flintshire County Chairman, who met with Hannah Blythyn AM, Llyr Gruffydd AM and Nathan Gill AM said: “I would first of all like to thank Hannah, Llyr and Nathan for meeting us at our county show. We had some really positive discussions and are grateful that they could spend a bit of time talking about #FarmingMatters.
“One of the main issues we discussed is the need for high resolution maps of the different bovine TB zones. From1 October there will be changes to how bovine TB is managed and our members are worried that they can’t tell what zone their farm falls into.

“Each of these zones - high, intermediate or low risk - has different rules and regulations attached to them, which makes it complicated but if you’re then also not sure what zone you are in - you can’t comply with what is being asked and are at risk of being penalised.
“Something that would solve the problem are high resolution maps of the different bovine TB zones and we hope that Welsh Government can help us by providing these as soon as possible.”

Mr Roberts added saying: “Meeting here at the county show just reinforces the value of local county shows, which allow us to have open and wide ranging discussions with our elected politicians. I would also like to thank the county show committee, who have once again done a fantastic job organising the show.”