News in brief May 2022

Sheepmeat exports looking positive for 2022

Data on lamb exports are showing positive signs of recovery following the pandemic and the impacts of Brexit. AHDB analysis shows that following a small recovery in January with sheepmeat exports up 13% on 2021 at over 4,000 tonnes, February exports were 37% higher than 2021 at 6,300 tonnes reaching levels not seen since before Brexit and the pandemic.

A total of 95,050 tonnes were exported in 2019 which dropped to 88,200 tonnes in 2020. Alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, new trading arrangements and trade friction following the end of the Brexit transition period affected exports further in 2021 with exports totaling 70,000 tonnes.


EU - New Zealand Trade Deal

Since the Council of the European Union (EU) authorised opening negotiations for a trade agreement between the EU and New Zealand (NZ) on 22nd May 2018, progress has been slow, however, recent reports say a deal could be reached by July 2022 before NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern visits the EU later this year.

Following 12 rounds of talks the two sides are getting close to agreeing a deal, but among the most critical issues still outstanding is the EU’s goods offer on quotas for New Zealand’s sensitive items like dairy, beef and sheep meat.


Welsh red meat sector continues to improve shelf life for Welsh lamb

The latest data from Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has shown that the Welsh red meat sector has made significant improvements on shelf life for Welsh Lamb over recent years, making it more competitive in export markets across the globe.

Following years of consecutive gains, the average shelf life for Welsh Lamb now stands just below 40 days at 39.2 days - a result of a 7% increase between 2021 and 2022, following a 10% increase the previous year.