Do you use snares for fox control?

If you use snares to control foxes, your snares must comply with the requirements of the Welsh Government code of best practice. Fox snaring has a proven track record of preventing localised species’ extinctions and securing wildlife diversity in Wales, including conserving endangered birds like black grouse, curlew and lapwing, as well as safeguarding young stock.

[caption id="attachment_7679" align="alignleft" width="200"] FUW Land Use Policy Officer Bernard Griffiths[/caption]

FUW Land Use Policy Officer Bernard Griffiths said: “If you follow the advice in this code you should be operating within the law, however the code is not a training manual, therefore training from approved trainers is highly recommended.”

There are training courses available, which take place in:

  • Lleyn Peninsula, Gwynedd – Tuesday 14 February.
  • Ceredigion – Wednesday 15 February
  • Denbighshire on Tuesday 7 March
  • Builth Wells area, Powys on Wednesday 8 March
  • Vale of Glamorgan on Thursday 9 March.


Here are some things you must do if you snare foxes in Wales:

  • Obtain a copy of the Welsh Government Code of best practice on the use of snares in fox control
  • Read the code fully and understand it.
  • Abide by it. Put the code’s advice into practice and snare only in accordance with the measures the code advocates.
  • Check your snares. Use only modern, code-compliant equipment. Remember – every fox snare set in Wales must comply with the code’s requirements.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that your kit conforms to best practice.

Some legal points to be aware of:

  1. Snares must be inspected at least once a day while set.

  2. It is illegal to use a ‘self-locking’ snare.

  3. It is an offence for a person to cause unnecessary suffering to an animalunder their control (this applies to animals whilst held in snares and themeans by which they are dispatched.

  4. It is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to a domestic animal.

  5. It is illegal to set in position any trap or snare calculated to cause bodilyinjury to any deer coming into contact with it.

  6. It is illegal to set in position any trap or snare calculated to cause bodilyinjury to any wild animal included in schedule 6 of the Wildlife andCountryside Act 1981 (currently including badger, polecat, otter, redsquirrel, hedgehog and pine marten).

  7. If a species given protection under Schedule 6 to the 1981 Act is caughtunintentionally and has to be killed on grounds of humaneness because it isbadly injured, the burden of proof is on the person who killed the animal tojustify their action.

  8. Under section 14 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 it is an offence torelease or allow to escape into the wild any animal which is of a kind notordinarily resident in GB in a wild state or included in Part 1 of Schedule 9 tothe Act. These animals, which include the grey squirrel and American mink,should be killed in a quick and humane manner.

  9. You must dispose of carcasses safely, so they do not cause harm to humanhealth or pollution of the environment.

If you’re interested in attending one of these snaring courses you need to book your place by contacting:  Lynda Ferguson (at the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Burgate Manor, Fordingbridge, SP6 1EF) by phone on 01425 651013 or by email at email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The snaring course covers: • Legislation and the new Welsh Government code of best practice  • How to choose your equipment • Snare preparation • Selecting snare locations and how to avoid non-target species • Humane dispatch of foxes and Release of non-target animals. The theory element is taught in the classroom, followed by practical tuition outdoors in choosing snaring sites and setting snares.

The addresses of the venues will be forwarded to delegates on booking. All courses run from 10am to 1pm and cost £72 including VAT. After lunch, delegates also have the option of attending the GWCT corvid cage-trapping course, which is offered at half the usual fee on these occasions. The cost of attending both courses is £108 including VAT. Tea and coffee are provided. Please bring your own packed lunch.


A copy of the Welsh Government Code of best practice on the use of snares in fox control can also be downloaded here: [gview file=""]


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