Podcast earns famous Welsh broadcaster FUW Bob Davies memorial award

Recognising advances in technology and changes in audience behaviour, the Farmers’ Union of Wales was delighted to hear a familiar voice join the growing realm of online Podcasts.

Dei Tomos, who is the voice of the farming news on Radio Cymru every morning (Monday to Friday) and first started broadcasting in 1982, joined the Podcast family with ‘Bwletin Amaeth’ this year, making the latest agriculture news and issues for those working within the farming industry accessible to a wide range of listeners.

Appreciating the contributions the online Podcast makes, the Union awarded Dei Tomos with the annual FUW Bob Davies memorial award.

The award – in memory of Farmers Weekly Wales correspondent Bob Davies, who died in November 2009 – is offered to a media personality who has raised the public profile of Welsh farming every year.

Podcasting is growing in the UK and seeing a genuine renaissance with 4.7 million adults, in the UK, listening to any type of podcast. The smartphone is the most popular way to listen to a podcast by far, with 66% of adults 15+ tuning into their favourite programme that way.

Presenting Dei Tomos with the award, FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “Podcasts have enhanced audio broadcasting, draw in non-traditional listeners, the younger listener and engage with audiences in a way that other mediums are unable to. It was therefore great to hear that Dei Tom’s ‘Bwletin Amaeth’ is now also available for later listening.  

“His early morning radio bulletins on Radio Cymru are essential listening for farmers throughout Wales, some would even say the world, but sometimes we miss it. That’s of course not a problem anymore now, thanks to the online Podcast. All we need now is Dei’s Saturday half hour farming programme ‘Byd Amaeth’ to also join the podcast platform”