FUW webinar puts spotlight on Ash Dieback

The Anglesey branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is hosting a webinar on Ash Dieback, which is open to all members of the Union. The event will be held on Zoom on Thursday 19 November at 7pm. 

Jacob Milner, Ash Dieback Coordinator for Anglesey County Council will be giving a talk to provide more detail about the symptoms, how to spot the signs, what action to take, and also the landowners responsibilities if they have received a notice from the local authority.

FUW Anglesey County Executive Officer Alaw Jones said: “The disease is being discovered on many trees on the island of Anglesey and there seems to be a big lack of knowledge in how to deal with it. We are therefore encouraging members to join us for this free event to find out all of the essential information needed.” 

To book your place at the webinar, members need to contact the Anglesey County Office on 01248 750 250 or via email on  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .