North Wales Police launch new community alert system

Communities of North Wales can now keep up to date with personalised local policing news, following the launch of a brand new free messaging service - North Wales Community Alert.

North Wales Police are the first force in Wales to launch the alert system which has been funded as part of the Home Office Safer Streets Fund. The system is currently used by several other police forces in other parts of the UK and has seen positive results and greater engagement with communities.

North Wales Community Alert is quick and simple to sign up to and gives the public a voice in our neighbourhood policing priorities. The system includes a messaging service that allows users to tell us what really matters to them.

This is also a great platform to gain a real insight into police activity in your area and what we are doing to tackle any issues. We hope this will help residents to feel safer in your home, out in community and whilst at work.

Chief Constable Carl Foulkes said: “We are delighted to launch North Wales Community Alert which will form a key part of our Local Policing. It is a free messaging service for people who live and work in North Wales to help our communities to stay informed and up to date with news, alerts, appeals, engagement events and general policing activities from your local police teams.

“What makes North Wales Community Alert so useful is that individuals can choose what information they would like to receive from us and how they would like to receive it whether by email, text or voice message -  so they don't even need an internet connection - the choice is in their hands.

“North Wales Community Alert isn’t just a broadcast channel, where it is just us telling you. It is a two-way messaging system so that we have an additional route to listen to what our communities have to say.”

Police and Crime Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin said: “North Wales Community Alert will give our communities a great opportunity to provide feedback to their local neighbourhood police team on the issues that matter most to them, helping us to work together to make North Wales the safest place in the UK.

“Local Police officers will be raising awareness of the scheme and I encourage residents, businesses and community groups to sign up to the system. 

“Please take some time to register with North Wales Community Alert, it is quick, simple and completely free.”

PC Dave Allen from the North Wales Police Rural Crime Team  said: “FUW members have often asked me about a Farm watch scheme in North Wales for those people who may not have access to social media or indeed the internet. I am pleased to say that this new Community alert System will have a Farm Watch scheme. The system will give FUW members up to date information about crime, appeals, prevention advice and the policing activity in their area. It’s free to sign up to and if you don’t have access to a computer, you can  choose to receive messages via voice mail or text and it’s a two way system where FUW members can feed information back directly to North Wales Police and the Team."

Find out more about the alert system on our Campaign page here.

You can register by visiting