Expression of interest window dates June 2022



Window dates

Glastir Derogations

Any farmer having difficulty meeting the requirements of their Glastir contract may request a derogation using their RPW Online account.

A request for a derogation may be submitted for any option within a Glastir contract and will be considered on a case by case basis.

Details of the option and field number should be provided, along with as much information as possible regarding the circumstances leading to the request. Supporting documentation may be required and requested in certain circumstances, depending on the nature of the request.

HOWEVER, as things stand they will have to forfeit the relevant payment on that parcel


Woodland Creation Planning Scheme

The Woodland Creation Planning Scheme offers grants of between £1000 and £5000 to develop plans for new woodland creation.

After a plan is successfully verified by NRW it will be eligible for Welsh Government funding for tree planting.

More information here.

The design of the scheme  is based on the pilot which was run last year. The scheme will be open throughout the year (subject to budget) with applications selected every 6 weeks.

Funding for woodland creation will be available from August 2022, with windows opening every 3 months from then onwards (subject to budget).

Open until 31st December 2022

Small Grants - Efficiency

A scheme to support investment into new equipment and technology to enhance the technical, financial and environmental performance of farm businesses.

This is similar to the Farm Business Grant scheme.

The minimum grant amount has been reduced to £1,000 and the maximum is £12,000. Previous participation in the FBG does not affect eligibility. A maximum of 40% contribution is available against actual invoiced costs. Prices have been updated and verified at the end of March.

More information will be available on RPW Online in due course. This window has an indicative budget of £5m.

18th May - 29th June 2022

Small Grants - Environmental

A scheme to support a range of land management interventions and provide capital support for on-farm environmental improvements to enhance the quality of Wales’ natural resources.

This is equivalent to the previous Glastir Small Grants scheme. It is a standalone scheme providing a maximum of £7,500 funding per window for Capital Works Projects. This round will address the theme of Water. Land parcels already under Glastir contracts will not be eligible. The indicative budget for this window is £3m.

More information is available here 

23rd May - 1st July 2022

Small Grants - Horticulture Start Up

A scheme to support new entrants to establish new commercial horticulture enterprises. The grant available for each applicant is £3,000, awarded in the form of working capital. The indicative budget allocation for this window is £300,000.

More information is available here

25th May - 29th June 2022

Small Grants - Growing for the


A pilot scheme to encourage the growing of crops and pastures to provide an environmental benefit such as protein crops, mixed leys and cover crops for environmental, biodiversity and production benefits.

The first window will be limited to establishing an unsprayed cover crop following autumn harvesting of cereals or maize. A new window for planting in spring 2023 will open this autumn.

Confirmation and further details to follow. 

(Autumn Sowing)

20th June - 29th July 2022

Second window

24th August - 5th October 2022

Small Grants - Yard


A scheme to provide support through capital grants to enhance nutrient management through investment in covering existing farmyard infrastructure.

27th June - 5th August 2022

Organic Conversion


A scheme to support farmers to convert to organic production systems. There will only be one EOI window.

The scheme will include a two year conversion payment. Payment rates will be based on current land use and production system.

The entire CPH has to be included and requires a total five year commitment to organic management.

18th July - 26th August 2022

Nutrient Management

Investment Scheme

A scheme to provide support through capital grants for infrastructure investment to enhance on-farm nutrient management and storage.

4th July - 12th August 2022

Woodland Creation


A scheme to support Welsh Government's commitment to create a National Forest for Wales.

Opening August 2022 

NRW Peatlands Grant Funding 

Capital development grants of between £10,000 - £30,000 available to reverse habitat loss and improve the condition of Welsh peatlands.

The development grant will enable individuals and organisations to:

  • explore if their peatland restoration project is feasible
  • develop a costed peatland restoration project by April 2023 that has a realistic chance of delivery
  • gather the information they will need to apply for future delivery grant funding rounds

More information can be found here.

4th April - 4th July 2022

The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG)

The scheme is once again open to landowners and managers, including not-for-profit organisations. It will provide support for people to create new woodlands and/or enhance and expand existing woodlands.

Grants of £40,000 to £250,000 and up to 100% capital and revenue funding.

Full details can be found here.

Further rounds are planned later in 2022 and 2023.

Closes 15th July 2022



There will be no extensions to the claim deadlines for any of the above schemes due to budget allocation constraints.  Consequently, the Welsh Government is allowing people to place orders for items once they have received an offer of a contract and before accepting the contract.

They advise that orders or at least enquiries are made during this period to check if items will be delivered in time or work completed within the timescale.  If it can’t be and written evidence is provided to confirm the reasons why, applicants can withdraw from the scheme and will not be excluded from future rounds.

If they accept the contract and then can’t meet the conditions within the relevant timescale they could be excluded from future rounds of the scheme.