A top-level delegation from the Farmers' Union of Wales has met the two new Welsh Government ministers with responsibilities for agriculture and later revealed the talks were "very constructive".

FUW president Gareth Vaughan, deputy president Emyr Jones and agricultural policy director Nick Fenwick met minister for business, enterprise, technology and science Edwina Hart - who has responsibility for tourism and agriculture - and her deputy minister Alun Davies, who has day-to-day responsibilities for agriculture, food, fisheries and European programmes.

Mr Vaughan said today: "We raised a broad variety of issues with both ministers including CAP reform, the Tir Mynydd and Glastir agri-environment schemes, and the need to continue the work of the Red Tape Stakeholder group.

"These were very constructive meetings and the minister and deputy minister informed us they were very concerned that the industry should be prosperous, not only for its own sake, but for the sake of all those businesses which rely on it, as well as the wider rural community.

"Both Mrs Hart and Mr Davies expressed their support for the industry and the FUW will be holding them to their words over the coming months and years."

Having attended a meeting of the Welsh food advisory committee earlier in the day at which Food Standards Agency "cost recovery" proposals had dominated the agenda, the delegation raised the issue with both ministers.

"We made it clear that proposed increases in inspection charges for slaughterhouses would result in closures which would undermine a huge range of rural businesses, including many involved in tourism, and would also completely undermine the Welsh food strategy," said Mr Vaughan.

A union delegation will also meet environment minister John Griffiths next Tuesday to discuss issues which fall within his portfolio including bovine TB and the proposed north Pembrokeshire badger cull, and sheep EID.


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Ca parte a parteneriatului nostru cu FUW, cazinoul nostru online Ice Casino lansează o serie de jocuri cu tematică agricolă, unde o parte din încasări vor merge în sprijinul agriculturii.