The Farmers' Union of Wales today threw its support behind the summit meeting against recent milk price cuts imposed on UK dairy farmers taking place in London this Wednesday (July 11).

The union will be represented at the "Dairy Summit" in Central Hall, Storey’s Gate, Westminster - when dairy farmers from all parts of the UK will join Defra agriculture minister Jim Paice and representatives from the NFU, NFU Scotland, Farmers for Action, Tenant Farmers Association and Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers - by its milk and dairy produce committee chairman Dei (CORRECT SPELLING) Davies, of Holywell, Flintshire, as well as other prominent FUW leaders.

The public meeting will discuss the recent decision by major dairies to slash their farmgate prices for milk.

It will also consider what future action to take to help the survival of dairy farms which, according to the latest Welsh Government statistics, have reduced in Wales by over 800 from 2,727 in 2006 to 1,908 last year.

“It is essential that the dairy industry stands together at this critical time, and we would encourage all those who are able to to show solidarity and support the meeting in Westminster,” said Mr Davies.

Commenting on the latest round of farmgate price cuts, Mr Davies said: “In addition to those substantial reductions in prices for farmers on liquid milk contracts, there has also been a sharp rise in feed costs which are already at historically high levels.”

Mr Davies said that meetings to discuss the crisis between the FUW and the major Welsh milk collectors had already been arranged.

"However, the event in London will give the industry the opportunity to highlight to the public and government the danger that these latest cuts pose to the long term survival of Wales’ dairy industry.”


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