Top Assembly speakers for FUW AGM

Two of the most influential figures in Welsh agriculture will give their views on the industry’s current situation at the Farmers’ Union of Wales’s annual general meeting at the MedRus conference centre on Aberystwyth University’s Penglais campus on Monday June 17.

Natural resources and food minister Alun Davies and the Assembly’s environment and sustainability committee chairman Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas will be the guest speakers at the event.

Coffee will be served from 9.15am until 9.45am when FUW president Emyr Jones will formally open the conference. Following a question and answer session with both guest speakers, the union’s internal, external and staff awards will be presented.


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Ca parte a parteneriatului nostru cu FUW, cazinoul nostru online Ice Casino lansează o serie de jocuri cu tematică agricolă, unde o parte din încasări vor merge în sprijinul agriculturii.