Crown, crime, cooking and children’s fun on all-action FUW Urdd Eisteddfod stand

Plans are well under way for a range of activities on the Farmers' Union of Wales stand at the Urdd National Eisteddfod in Bala next week (May 26-31).

This is one of Europe’s largest youth festivals and the FUW has booked a large three-unit stand for this popular annual event and throughout the week members and visitors to the Eisteddfod can call at the stand for tea or coffee and light refreshments.

The ladies sections of the union throughout Meirionnydd have kindly agreed to be part of all the arrangements and the county branch is very grateful for their assistance and cooperation, said FUW county executive officer Huw Jones.

"One of the week’s highlights for the FUW will undoubtedly be the crowing ceremony on Friday (May 30). All the funds required for the union's sponsorship of the crown was donated by the FUW’s ladies section in the Penllyn and Edeyrnion areas of Meirionnydd and the county branch is immensely grateful for this very generous donation," said Mr Jones.

The crown was made by Mari Eluned from Mallwyd, near Dinas Mawddwy, who graduated with a first class honours Degree in jewellery and silver smithing from Loughborough University in 2006 and has since set up her own business producing unique jewellery that combines Welsh slate with silver.

She will be attending the FUW stand on Monday (May 26) at 2pm and on Friday (May 31), following the crowning ceremony, to give a short presentation on the theme of this year’s crown inspired by the spring season.

One area of the union’s stand will be allocated throughout the week to children’s activities that will include competitions and colouring activities. There will also be a story telling session at 1 pm on Monday (May 26) by popular local novelist Haf Llywelyn, from Llanuwchllyn, and there will be a warm welcome for young families.

Another popular event for the Monday will be a visit by well known Welsh international ladies rugby player Elen Evans, of Dinas Mawddwy, whose parents are staunch FUW supporters. "We are very proud of her close association with the union," said Mr Jones.

"Undoubtedly, a popular attraction for the entire week will be an extensive display of old crafts, old kitchen utensils and farming bygones by Mr Aeryn Jones of Llangwm. He is well known for being skilful in hedge lying and dry stone walling and also published a book in June 2013.

"There will be an opportunity to purchase his book 'Aeryn Llangwm - Moch Bach mewn Basged Ddillad' on the stand. He is also a national winner in recital competitions."

A part of the union’s display on the stand will also include photographs of Meirionnydd FUW members by the renowned photographer Chris Clunn, of Maentwrog, who published a book on the subject in 2011 and there will be a further opportunity to purchase a copy during the week.

On Wednesday (May 28) PC Dewi Evans, of North Wales Police rural crime team, will be present on the stand to talk about his recent initiatives combating crime in rural areas and give advice on crime prevention.

He is one of three rural liaison officers appointed as a direct result of Police Commissioner Winston Roddick’s initiative to increase rural police presence.  Mr Roddick will also be attending the FUW stand on Friday (May 30).

On Thursday (May 29) former FUW area officer Elfed Roberts will give a cooking demonstration on the stand for visitors to be able to taste welsh lamb and welsh beef. He will also give a demonstration of cutting a Welsh lamb carcass which should attract a great deal of interest.

"There will be a display of yoghurt produced by well known brand - Llaeth y Llan of Llansannan - whose founders Gareth and Falmai Roberts have a close association with the FUW and have kindly sponsored the display once again," Mr Jones added.

"Hufenfa De Arfon of Chwilog have also kindly agreed to donate samples of their well known brand Dragon Cheeses.  There will be an opportunity to taste samples of both these products during the week.

"Members of the union’s presidential team and staff will be present on the stand throughout the week to give an update on the FUW’s work and policies. There will also be members of staff from FUW Insurance Services to provide information or answer queries."

[caption id="attachment_2895" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]CROWN HANDOVER: FUW’s Penllyn and Edeyrnion ladies section members (from left) Beryl Jones, Ann Edwards, Alwen Davies, crown maker Mari Eluned, and Olwen Davies present the crown to eisteddfod executive chairman Hedd Pugh watched by (far left) FUW president Emyr Jones and (far right) Huw Jones. CROWN HANDOVER: FUW’s Penllyn and Edeyrnion ladies section members (from left) Beryl Jones, Ann Edwards, Alwen Davies, crown maker Mari Eluned, and Olwen Davies present the crown to eisteddfod executive chairman Hedd Pugh watched by (far left) FUW president Emyr Jones and (far right) Huw Jones.[/caption]


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