Farm payment letter highlights impact of 15% Pillar transfer

The full implications of the Welsh Government’s decision to transfer the maximum 15 per cent of Pillar 1 funds to Pillar 2 hit home this week as thousands of farmers started receiving letters informing them of a whopping 23.4 per cent cut to their entitlement values.

The 23.4 per cent cut represents a fall in the total Pillar 1 budget for Wales and all other regions of the UK of around 10 per cent - something which was beyond the control of the Welsh Government - followed by the 15 per cent Pillar transfer rate decided by natural resources and food minister Alun Davies.

However, contrary to what some have been told, no further reductions will be applied in December 2014, as the 15 per cent Pillar transfer replaces modulation, which previously appeared as a reduction on the Single Payment statements issued from December onwards.

“The 23.4 per cent figure and the reaction of the industry show why the FUW was so bitterly opposed to the Pillar transfer in the run up to the decision being made in December,” said union president Emyr Jones.

In terms of what farmers will actually receive this year in Euros, this means a reduction of between around 12 and 18 per cent compared with 2013, depending upon the size of their payment.

“This is because the rate of modulation was lower for the first 5,000 Euros in past years, whereas the 23.4 per cent reduction will be taken off every Euro,” said Mr Jones.

Mr Jones said the decision had made Wales stand out like a sore thumb on the map of Europe.

“Wales will have the single highest rate of Pillar transfer in 2014 not only in the UK, but in the whole of Europe, while the rate in the vast majority of EU countries will be zero.

“We have gone from having the lowest rate in the UK to the highest rate in Europe at a time when Welsh farm incomes have collapsed and people are struggling to pay the bills.

“We all understand and support the principle of using the Rural Development Plan to help businesses restructure and be more competitive, but the approach adopted feels more like a direct attack on the industry.”

FUW policy director Nick Fenwick said that the impact the cuts would have in Wales highlighted failures at an EU level to prevent significant renationalisation of CAP policies.

“Previously the EU was extremely protective of common rules, but in the last rounds of negotiations huge flexibility was introduced in terms of pillar transfers without the quid pro quo of co-funding.

“There now seems to be some sort of extreme view that taking more money away from an industry already reeling from a collapse in incomes will make it more resilient and competitive - this just doesn’t stack up when you consider we operate in a common market and that our main competitors will not have their incomes reduced in this way.”

“There are major concerns in particular as to how this reduction will hit tenant farmers and those such as young entrants who are struggling to pay the bank while trying to build up their businesses.

“However, the 15 per cent decision has been notified to the commission and cannot be undone, and the only option is to focus on getting money back to the industry from Pillar 2 in a meaningful way.”

FUW Anglesey branch to host big breakfast

Anglesey’s MP and AM will be among dozens of locals tucking into a traditional big Welsh breakfast at Cartio Môn Karting, near Holyhead, on Friday morning (January 31) at a function organised by the island’s Farmers’ Union of Wales branch in aid of union president Emyr Jones’ children’s hospice charities including T? Gobaith.

An abundance of sausages, bacon, eggs, jams, marmalade, honey, white and black pudding, butter and bread have all been donated by local producers to ensure that the crowd of 40 that have booked for this sitting, get a true taste and flavours of local produce.

FUW Anglesey county executive officer Heidi Williams said: “In attendance, to name but a few, will be local MP Albert Owen, local AM Rhun Ap Iorwerth, representatives from various local agencies, FUW president Emyr Jones, North Wales Police and of course lots of hungry farmers.

“At £10 per head, every single penny of the proceeds will be given to a very deserving charity and the FUW are extremely grateful to Barclays Bank who has also kindly agreed to match any money raised.”

Mrs Williams added that she was overwhelmed by the generosity of local producers who were quick to offer their support to this worthwhile charity fund-raiser.

For further information, or if you would like to donate any homemade item for a hamper to be raffled on the day, phone Heidi on 01248 750250.

FUW welcomes Control of Horses (Wales) Act 2014

The Farmers’ Union of Wales today welcomed the granting of Royal Assent to the Control of Horses (Wales) Act 2014.

The Act will provide consistent legal powers across Wales, giving local authorities the power to seize, impound, return to the owner, sell, re-home or, as a last resort, euthanize horses by humane means when they are on land without lawful consent.

Welcoming the Act, FUW land use and parliamentary committee chairman Gavin Williams said that over  recent years the number of  fly grazing incidents  have increased substantially, particularly in South Wales  where large numbers of horses  have been dumped on private and public land, resulting in major welfare problems for animals of little value and significant implications for  public safety when straying onto public highways on the farming sector as well as the resource implications for local authorities, equine charities and the tax payer.

“Earlier last year the FUW contributed to the Welsh Government consultation which looked at the actions and legislative changes that might be needed to deliver a long term solution to tackle the issue of fly grazing and the abandonment of horses and ponies in Wales and worked with Welsh Government to come up with ideas which have now been incorporated into the new Act,” Mr Williams added.

FUW charity bingo success

A recent bingo evening organised by the Farmers' Union of Wales Carmarthenshire county branch at The Talardd Inn, Llanllwni, to raise funds for the union president's charities T? Hafan a T? Gobaith was a big success, raising £380.

"We are delighted with the response from the local communities who were extremely generous in their support and contributions," said county executive officer David Waters.

[caption id="attachment_2736" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]- HOUSE: From left, bingo caller and FUW Ceredigion member Adrian Colbourne, FUW Carmarthenshire member who helped organise the event and FUW North Carmarthenshire area officer Gwion James - HOUSE: From left, bingo caller and FUW Ceredigion member Adrian Colbourne, FUW Carmarthenshire member Gwenda Davies who helped organise the event and FUW North Carmarthenshire area officer Gwion James[/caption]

First FUW Meirionnydd farmhouse breakfast big success

The first in a series of Farmers' Union of Wales farmhouse breakfast functions to celebrate the annual Farmhouse Breakfast Week was kick-started yesterday (Monday January 27) by the union's Meirionnydd branch at Parc, near Bala.

The well-attended event at a disused school now being used as a village hall also raised £650 towards union president Emyr Jones’ charities Ty Hafan and Ty Gobaith.

Mr Jones said: “I am extremely grateful to everyone who came to support the breakfast and I would like to thank Olwen and Nia Davies for being great hosts.

“We have started Farmhouse Breakfast Week extremely well and raised a good amount of money for the charities. I hope all the other breakfast functions across Wales go just as well as this one."

FUW Meirionnydd county executive officer Huw Jones thanked the event's sponsors - local butchers T J Roberts & Sons and Cigydd y Bala; Wyau Berwyn Cyf, Blaengwnodl Isaf, Cynwyd; Booker Cash & Carry, Rhostyllen; Blodau Rhianfa, Bala; Co op Store, Bala; and Spar, Bala - for their support.

He said he's now looking forward to the branch's next farmhouse breakfast on Friday January 31 (at 8am and 11.30am) at Mr and Mrs R J Breese's farm, Gogarth, Pennal, which local AM Dafydd Elis-Thomas is expected to attend.

[caption id="attachment_2733" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Olwen and Nia Davies, Ty Cerrig with FUW staff and helpers Olwen and Nia Davies, Ty Cerrig with FUW staff and helpers[/caption]


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