Agricultural Policy

News in Brief February 2024

Plan to move food checks from Dover met with opposition

Plans by the UK government to move checks for potentially dangerous foods entering the UK at the UK's most important ferry terminal in Dover to a facility in Sevington 22 miles away have been met with fierce criticism.

Devastating Schmallenberg virus (SBV) knocks early lambs

The number of cases of Schmallenberg virus (SBV) have been rising across the UK.  SBV is a viral disease that affects cattle, sheep and goats and was first detected in August 2011 in Germany. In the 6 weeks to January 2024, APHA confirmed 63 cases of SBV; the majority of which were detected in stillbon lambs. 

Woodland Schemes – Application Windows

In 2024, there is a new approach to the Woodland Creation Grant. There will only be one window open from 4 March 2024 until 22 November 2024, or until the budget has been allocated. The Small Grant – Woodland Creation scheme will continue to have several windows throughout the year:

BTV Restrictions Ease Due to Seasonally Vector Low Period

Great Britain is now in a ‘seasonally vector low period’ for BTV 3 and this has led to changes in the control measures adopted and the temporary easing of BTV control restrictions within the Kent and Norfolk Temporary Control Zones (TCZ).

The ‘vector low period’ is when biting midge activity is reduced due to current weather conditions.  This makes transmission of the virus between midge and livestock much less likely. 

Single Application Form (SAF) 2024

The online SAF will become available on Rural Payments Wales (RPW) Online on 4 March 2024.

The application will be for claims for BPS, Habitat Wales Scheme, Organic Support, Organic Conversion Scheme and woodland creation maintenance and premium payments.