Agricultural Policy

Sustainable Farming Scheme - Information Events

Welsh Government are holding a series of engagement events around Wales in January and February.

These events will run from 14:00 to 20:00. They will comprise a mix of formal presentations and information stands where you can discuss the consultation and how the proposed scheme actions may be carried out on your farm.

Sustainable Farming Scheme development at most critical stage says FUW, as Welsh Government launches final consultation

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is urging its members to engage with the latest proposals of the Sustainable Farming Scheme, stating its the most important change to Welsh agricultural policy since the genesis of the Common Agricultural Policy in 1962.

The Welsh Government has launched the pivotal consultation on the future of the Sustainable Farming Scheme, the mechanism through which farmers will receive support in Wales from 2025 onwards.

FUW pays tribute to First Minister Mark Drakeford

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has paid tribute to Wales’ First Minister Mark Drakeford, who stood down as Welsh Labour leader on Wednesday 13 December 2023 and will be stepping down as First Minister in March 2024.

Mr Drakeford said nominations for his successor as leader will open shortly, and the process will be concluded by the end of the Senedd Spring term, enabling the contest winner to be put to the Senedd before Easter recess. He will remain as First Minister until that time but will stand down as Leader of Welsh Labour immediately.

Welsh farming and environment groups express shared budget concerns to First Minister

A group of Welsh farming and environmental organisations have jointly written to the First Minister of Wales to impress the importance of maintaining the Rural Affairs budget for 2024/25.

The letter to the Rt Hon Mark Drakeford MS has been co-signed by CLA Cymru, Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW), NFU Cymru, National Trust Cymru, RSPB Cymru, Wales YFC, Tenant Farmers’ Association and Welsh Organic Forum. The group are calling for budgetary certainty for the Rural Affairs portfolio ahead of Welsh Government publishing its draft budget later this month.