Agricultural Policy

FUW report highlights importance of farm support in Wales’ livestock supply chains

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has emphasised the importance of maintaining agricultural support to the rural economy and agricultural production after publishing a report highlighting the role of direct support to Wales’ livestock supply chains.

The report, entitled ‘The role of farm support in Wales’ livestock supply chains’ uses five years of Welsh Farm Business Survey figures to investigate what increases in profits or reductions in selected input costs would be needed to maintain average livestock farm profits if direct support was cut by 50% and 100%.

Union stresses importance of fair funding for industry in meetings with politicians

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has stressed the importance  of clear, sector specific funding in meetings with politicians at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair whilst also highlighting the urgent need for clarity if we are to retain Wales’ family farms.

News in Brief December 2023

EU Member States ask for flexibility on Fallow land

Eleven EU member states are calling for greater “flexibility” in the previously derogated requirement to leave land fallow under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Due to the war in Ukraine and the urgent need to maintain Europe’s food security, the EU Commission agreed to grant member states two yearly derogations to cultivate this set-aside land in 2022 and 2023.

SFS Consultation Launched

The Welsh Government has launched the pivotal and final consultation on the future of the Sustainable Farming Scheme, the mechanism through which farmers will receive support in Wales from 2025 onwards.

The FUW’s Policy Team will be thoroughly dissecting the consultation document and will be travelling the length and breadth of Wales to present the consultation document to FUW members in the new year. 

Bluetongue situation update

Following active surveillance within the temporary control zone (TCZ), further cases of BTV 3 have been identified taking the total number of cases to 11 on 6 different premises in England. 

The TCZ has been extended to cover the North and East coasts of Kent.  Extending the TCZ helps ensure effective surveillance and minimise the spread of the disease.