Agricultural Policy

Professional plant protection products (PPPs): register as a user

Who must register

If you use professional PPPs and any adjuvants in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), you have a legal obligation to join a register under the Official Controls (Plant Protection Products) Regulations 2020. You must register by 22nd June 2022.

This includes grassland farmers and farmers who hire contractors to apply the pesticides on their land.

If you start using professional PPPs for the first time, you must register within 3 months of the time you begin.

Lifting of Avian Influenza housing measures

Mandatory housing measures which were introduced to help protect kept birds from Avian Influenza were lifted on Monday 2nd May 2022. 

The announcement came from the Chief Veterinary Officer following a review of the Avian Influenza infection risk levels to poultry which have been reclassified from medium (with low uncertainty) to low (with high uncertainty) providing good biosecurity precautions are adhered to.

Increased biosecurity requirements in line with the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) remains in force where all bird keepers must continue to be diligent with biosecurity. 

General Licences for the lethal control of specified wild bird species

Natural resources Wales have uploaded preview copies of General Licences to be introduced from July 1st 2022.

GL001 - Licence to kill or take wild birds or to take or destroy their nests or eggs for the purposes of preventing serious damage or spread of disease to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables or fruit. Note the purpose to species matrix included in the licence which limits the lethal control measures compared to the existing general  licence.

GL002 - Licence to kill or take feral pigeon or to take or destroy their nests and eggs for the purposes of preserving public health, public safety or preventing the spread of disease

Ruminant Health and Welfare Acting on Methane report

The Ruminant Health and Welfare group recently published its ‘Acting on methane: opportunities for the UK cattle and sheep sectors’ report.

Created in conjunction with the Moredun Research Institute, the report follows the Global Methane Pledge which was formed at COP26 to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030.

Work funded by Defra and the Scottish Government found that improving livestock health and welfare could reduce methane emissions by up to 10% using tools that are already available.

Senedd Finance Committee focus groups

The Senedd Finance Committee is seeking to understand the views of the people of Wales when it comes to deciding what the Welsh Government focus their spending on.

During May and June 2022, the Committee will be running a programme of focus groups to capture people’s experiences and views about ‘what the people of Wales want the Welsh Government to focus spending on?’

Attendee numbers to the sessions will be limited therefore participants are asked to complete a short survey before attending a focus group meeting.