Agricultural Policy

Wild Bird Review - General Licences

The Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Board has considered the recommendations arising from the Wild Bird Review, specifically in relation to general licences. It decided that NRW should continue to grant general licences for the control of wild birds for some purposes, in some circumstances and where there are no other satisfactory solutions.

The decisions made by the Board will mean changes to licences from 1st July and these include:

DPJ Foundation expands its Share the Load and Counselling services

The DPJ Foundation has received funding from the Welsh Government to provide its Share the Load and Counselling services to those who have been bereaved. This will work in the same way as the Share the Load helpline - by calling 0800 587 4262 or texting 07860 048 799.

As always, this service is confidential and free of charge to those accessing this support and the counselling is delivered by professional counsellors. Whilst the DPJ Foundation has historically been associated with suicide, this service can support those people bereaved in any situation and not just by suicide.

The Share the Load service has supported a number of people with grief and who have been bereaved, but this funding will promote this aspect of the service more specifically.

IBERS survey for all cattle farmers in Wales

The Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB within IBERS at Aberystwyth University is carrying out research on Welsh farmer management practices and opinion in the pursuit of herd health and well-being. They will also be looking at how these impact on farmer health and well-being.

If participants wish, they can provide contact details at the end of the questionnaire to be in with a chance of winning a pair of Dunlop Wellington boots.

The survey can be found and completed here:



Please contact Elizabeth Hart on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.

Expression of interest window dates April 2022

Scheme   Summary   Window Close
SAF 2022 appointments  

The FUW is reminding members that the deadline to complete their Single Application Forms (SAF) without penalty is 16th May.

The FUW is encouraging its members and first time form fillers to contact their local office as soon as possible to book an appointment if they need help in filling out the form

   16th May 2022
BPS Transfer of Entitlements  

The transfer notification facility for 2022 entitlements is available on RPW Online. RPW must be notified by 15 May 2022 in order for the recipient to make a claim on entitlements they are receiving for the 2022 BPS scheme year.

FUW members are welcome to contact their local County Office for assistance.

  15th May 2022
Farming Connect Training Application Window  

The next Farming Connect training application window will open on Monday 2nd May and close on close on Friday 27th May.

  • All training courses subsidised by up to 80% for registered individuals
  • More than 70 courses available, categorised under ‘Business’, ‘Land’ and ‘Livestock’
  • Network of approved training providers located throughout Wales

For the full list of courses and/or support on how to apply, contact the Farming Connect Service Centre on 08456 000 813.

More information can be found here

   2nd - 27th May 2022
Horticulture Development Scheme  

The Horticulture Development scheme is a Capital grant scheme available to existing commercial horticultural producers across Wales.

The indicative budget allocation for this application window is £1.5 million.

More information can be found here:

Horticulture Development Scheme: rules booklet

Horticulture Development Scheme: using RPW Online to apply

   27th May 2022
Woodland Creation Planning Scheme  

The Woodland Creation Planning Scheme offers grants of between £1000 and £5000 to develop plans for new woodland creation.

After a plan is successfully verified by NRW it will be eligible for Welsh Government funding for tree planting.

More information here:

The design of the scheme  is based on the pilot which was run last year. The scheme will be open throughout the year (subject to budget) with applications selected every 6 weeks. 

Funding for woodland creation will be available from August 2022, with windows opening every 3 months from then onwards (subject to budget).

Access Broadband Cymru grant scheme  

This scheme provides grants to fund the installation costs of new broadband connections for homes and businesses in Wales.

Before applying, please check the Openreach address checker to see if you already have access to fast broadband connectivity.

The amount of funding will depend on the speed of the new connection:

  • £400 for 10Mbps and above
  • £800 for 30Mpbs and above

For more information, please click here.


Constructive meeting with Minister for Rural Affairs shines spotlight on potential actions in response to impacts of Ukraine on food production

Representatives of the Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) have had a constructive meeting with Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd Lesley Griffiths to highlight and discuss actions the Welsh Government could take to mitigate the impacts of the Russian war on Ukraine.

The FUW wrote to the Minister on 4th March highlighting the impacts of the war and to ask for an emergency roundtable meeting with stakeholders to be arranged.

The war is having and will continue to have major impacts on UK food supply chains and input costs. The UK relies on Ukraine and Russia for around thirty percent of its maize as well as a number of other ingredients used for animal feed, and fertiliser is now hitting around a thousand pounds per tonne.