Agricultural Policy

News in brief April 2022

i) Arla Foods warns of rising production costs

Arla Foods, the largest supplier of fresh milk and cream in the UK, has warned that farmers can no longer cover their expenses, with some experiencing increases of around 35 percent. According to Arla, the cost of milk in supermarkets is 7 percent lower than it was 10 years ago in real terms.

Recent milk prices have reached over 40 pence per litre for May, however, Kite Consulting has said that processors will need to seek to pay nearer 50ppl if they wish to reverse the drop in milk production.

ii) EU food and agriculture imports may need to meet EU standards

The European Union (EU) has recently announced plans to ensure that all food and agricultural products imported to the EU meet their health and environmental standards.

Farmers and ranchers in the United States and many European producers and exporters are expressing opposition to the plans. European exporters might face retaliatory duties if the World Trade Organisation finds that forced EU standards are non-compliant with trade agreements.

iii) Warnings of egg shortages due to costs of production

The British Egg Industry Council (BEIC) has warned of shortages of eggs due to soaring costs of production.

The cost of feed for egg laying birds is now £400 per tonne, up by around 50% over the past two years. Transport costs have risen around 30%, the price of labour has risen around 7%, the price of pellets has increased by 15%, and the wholesale cost of gas from suppliers has increased by 250% since the start of 2021.

2 Sisters Food Group’s CEO Ronald Kers has also warned of a major threat to UK food security as a result of the Ukraine war.

Welsh Government allocated £227 million to the rural economy

On 31st March, the Welsh Government announced that £227 million would be made available over the next three years to support the rural economy and natural environment.

Funding will be available to farmers, foresters, land managers and associated rural sectors and will be delivered across six themes:

Avian Influenza in Wales update

 Five cases of Avian Influenza have been reported in Wales in Crickhowell, Gaerwen, Chirk, Newtown and Welshpool; in addition four cases on the English side of the border have also affected Welsh holdings.

As of 30th March 2022 the local movement restrictions that were in place in Newtown and Welshpool since the Av.I outbreak identified on 21st February 2022 have now been removed.

The Avian Influenza Prevention Zones (AIPZ) measures that were declared in November 2021 which called for increased biosecurity and mandatory housing of all kept birds remain in place across Wales.

New agricultural minimum pay rates from 1st April 2022

The Welsh Government website has been updated with the latest agricultural minimum wages rates from 1st April following a substantial change to the Agricultural Wages Order 2022 which will apply from 22nd April 2022.

The changes were due to come into effect on 1st April 2021, however, they were delayed by 12 month due to the process of ensuring that the suggested changes of the Agricultural Wages Board were accepted by the Welsh Government.

It should be noted that due to delays to the 2021 Order coming into force and despite the efforts of the FUW and NFU Cymru who sit on the Board, those who employ agricultural workers may be required to retrospectively pay those who would have expected a pay increase from 1st April 2021.

Improving digital connectivity webinar

NFWI-Wales, the FUW, NFU Cymru, the Wales YFC and the CLA will be jointly hosting an online digital connectivity event on 28th April at 12 noon. The aim of the event will be to provide an overview of the information, support and funding available to help households and communities to improve their connectivity. This is in response to the 2021 Royal Welsh Winter Fair survey findings that found a low level of awareness about the funding and support available.